Do you know who ate all the donuts?

현재 오프라인
스크린샷 전시대
344 19 3
WOW letters, expensive numbers
Before adding me
1. I dont care about any steam trading
Sending steam trades is futile, wash your hands
2, I unfriend quite rarely and if I do, its probably because that we dont share the same interest
3. Met me in Sven Co-op?
Good, now subscribe to my youtube channel right now for
4. Have a good day! :)

Internet Links!!! OMG!!!!!
VK []
SCMapDB Page []
Sven Co-op Discord []
Steam (Alt)
Discord: svboy /
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:111664443

Wtf are those hours on Sven Co-op?
its an investment

the tinkers that do weird sounds and a device where you can cyberbully people online on the internet (for free)

New Puter 2023
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
RAM: 16 GB
Other: Windows 11, 1 TB, 512 SSD, 2560x1440@165Hz

New Laptop 2017
CPU: i3-6006U @ 2.00GHz
GPU: GeForce 920MX
Other: Windows 10, 1 TB, 1920x1080

Old Puter 2021 (technically 2006)
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor
GPU: ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics
Other: Windows 10, 0,4 TB, 1440x900
they both suck btw

창작마당 전시대
Gabumon - Playermodel + Hands Gabumon! Yes it's the Gabumon! (I think so, it's definetly the Gabumon from the Digimon series) Addon includes playermodel & custom hands, 7 face flexes and 3 different skins - Regular Gabumon,
76명이 평가했습니다.
제작자: SV BOYFoxPlays
제품 평가 전시대
7.1시간 플레이
this guide is an appreciation of a videogame charachter named otis and why hes great:
-he likes donuts and candies
-hes funny
-hes actually big boned, not fat
-oh he found the quarter
-was actually a wuss at school, yeah its hard to believe
-doent like machines (they dont work >:( )
-always wanted to say medic
-would love to hang out over his fireplace, yknow, if he had one
-mmm, candy
거래를 위해 내놓은 아이템
소유한 아이템
거래 횟수
장터 거래 횟수
cool stuff ive found when i searched the steam market or when i was bored because reasons, dont judge me i just like these things ok im very attached to these particular cosmetic items that hold absolutely no useful value both virtually, physsicaly and maybe even mentaly

i dont know how can i add more items please help, theres only this pixelated dude that is made out of pixels
최근 활동
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마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 4일
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Одобри заявку! Срочно!
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Лучший! Добавляй
sesbianlex420 2024년 4월 13일 오전 6시 45분 
this guy beats my impossible maps. terrifying, duly noted
GlacialRagnarok 2024년 1월 19일 오후 9시 58분 
╔═══════════════════ ೋღ⛄2ღೋ ═══════════════════╗
If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
╚═══════════════════ ೋღ⛄2ღೋ ═══════════════════╝
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