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Posted: Nov 26, 2024 @ 2:28pm
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Investigate a scandal in a religious community and decide who to accuse.

You are following the story of a young girl who returns to her childhood village. She was an orphan who was raised in church alongside other lost children or those sent there. When she returns, she encounters many new faces, but there is one old face she is really happy to see: Stacia, her best friend.

The village is all about religion and the Maker, and it only recently got internet access. Despite the fact that you were sent outside to explore the world, you didn’t forget where you came from. But you are returning because you were the greatest student and are destined to be a deaconess. Unfortunately, there is a scandal shortly after you arrive. It appears that someone desecrated the saint's idol as a sex toy.

What makes the situation much more confusing is that someone sent a video from the community to the news. The clip apparently show misuse of power, cult-like behavior, and abuse. There is an inspection coming into the village. The fact that these events occurred so close together cannot be a coincidence.

As someone whom Mother Superior trusts, you are tasked with investigating and finding the culprit. Immediately, all signs lead to your best friend. It is unusual because Stacia is the only one who is genuinely pleased to see you. Everyone else is stuck in tradition and sees you as an outsider.

The gameplay follows the visual novel structure, in which you advance the plot by reading and pressing a button to reveal the next line or sentence. Sometimes you will have to choose between two responses. However, you get to decide what to do first.

This is done by clicking on evidence or character icons in the mind pattern to see what you have learnt about it thus far. Some will have an action beneath it that advances the story. The order is irrelevant because, with the exception of extra pieces of text, you must click them all to advance the plot. As you acquire new information, the symbols will update with new information and draw lines between them to indicate connections. This might unlock new actions.

While the first chapter is rather linear, the second allows you to choose one of five endings. So, for example, you could accuse your friend right at the beginning of the second chapter or pursue other options. There is very little investigative work and no puzzles. However, only one conclusion includes a real epilogue, so you will have to dig a little deeper.
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