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Reseñas recientes de Hansalot

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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
8.6 h registradas
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This game was such a pleasant surprise. The super simple mechanics and controls are fun. The upgrades and progression is very addictive. Oh and the Diablo 1 like art style is very well recreated!
It is also great game for when you want to just turn off your brain and play something while listening or watching something on the side.
Publicada el 21 de noviembre de 2023.
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23.8 h registradas (15.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
One of the best Metroidvanias ever made. Beautiful music, a wonderful art style, fun bosses, and a great combat to master. This is truly a great achievement for Indie games and Team Cherry deserves all their success. I cannot wait for the sequel Silksong.
Publicada el 30 de junio de 2019.
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26.4 h registradas
Castle in the Darkness is a hidden gem! If you like Metroid, Castlevania, Shovel Knight, and Megaman you will more than likely like this game since this game itself is a giant homage to those games. That being said, although I do enjoy the references and the throwbacks I wish it was more original. This had the chance to be much more than just a love letter to old school difficult platformers.
The game is very strong in some areas and very meh in others. The music and art are great, and the progression is VERY satisfying! The deaths at times can be cheap but you can adapt and learn from your mistakes and progress further on your next attempt. The gameplay is fun and simple and the controls are average. I have to point out that the game has an annoying partial support to controllers so there are many things you cannot do in the game when you use a controller. For starters the menus are extremely annoying since you cannot press B to just exit or go back. There is no pause when you press the start button you will have to press P on the keyboard. And in a lot of cases the jump will not register when you press the A key -- which can lead to some unfair deaths.
The game isn't perfect and the length is pretty short but you will surely have fun if you are a fan of these kind of games.
I would say this game has its issues but overall its very fun and worth at least a playthrough (New game plus adds more secrets and it is more satisfying to complete)
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2016. Última edición: 23 de abril de 2023.
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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
18.9 h registradas (14.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is just brilliant. It is definitely in my top games of all time. It has a perfect blend of action, references to 80's movies, humor, and kick ass gunplay. Will get around 10 hours of gameplay but it is so well made and so cramped with one liners, hilarious storytelling, collectibles, great characters, and great moments that you will want to play it over and over.
Publicada el 20 de enero de 2015. Última edición: 23 de abril de 2023.
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A 51 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
15 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
17.7 h registradas (12.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game. Oh boy this game. Just don't even bother. Simple as that. Here is why:
It is broken. The mouse controls are just down right broken. I could only continue playing this because I have an Xbox controller to plug in. Even then this game is barely playable. The physics...make no sense. When you roll down a hill and start going up another hill you somehow gain speed and keep going up. This can be level breaking in some levels in which you have to stop or you will fall off.
The first chapter has 30 levels and the second chapter has 9. Did they forget how to count? Why the sudden change? I am still trying to finish the game 100% and so I do not know how many levels are in the final third "Event" but at this rate it should be around 3. It seems that as the game development progressed the just completely gave up. Speaking of giving up on design, there are a few levels that made me laugh. 2-8 comes to mind. Which is it devs: slow down the hill OR avoid boulders. You can barely do both. Not to mention that gem at the start of the track makes me laugh. Really a gem under the track? Was there a misclick when level editing? If you slow down to get the gem the gem can randomly gets absorbed up the drivers ass but then you will not make it down the first hill. Which is the first obstacle of the level. Why not shift over that track under the first hill a bit to the right? You can barely land on it. If you slow down to do that you will get hit by the boulders, which are btw REALLY closed together in drop time.
The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gems. Half my playtime is me idling as I rub my temples and breathe in and out slowly, and me redoing levels because the hitbox radius on the vehicle is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ broken. I have literally passed over collectible gems and they have entered my body, and then they have quickly shot out of me for no apparent reason. This can cause you to redo levels just because a gem decided that this day wasn't its day to be collected.
The art. Is it art? I am getting a bit sick of pixelated games on steam. Some are really well done and beautifully made. Most aren't. And it is starting to get to me. There is no need to pixelate your game to make it seem retro. Specially if you are awful at pixel art. The colors and contrast are bad. There is no sense of a color palette. Every pixel just blends in together and it is very hard to focus on things. There is no form of silhouette on the player, course, and the background. It looks like a bad flash game on Newgrounds.
The UI is pretty funny. When I tell you that a word is greyed out, you would think that means locked or unclickable right? Nope, grey words are the main things you click on. White words are...I am not even sure. Just info and random words on the side.
The main menu tells you how bad this game is. Watch the drivers, 9/10 don't make it over the fist gap. When they don't even put effort into a simple track in the main menu, you should get an idea of what is to come in the actual levels.
Anyway I could honestly go on and on about how awful this game is. The only positives are the customization and the gem bank mechanic where collectible turn into usable money. But everything else sucks. This game is broken, ugly, and not fun. Don't bother.
Publicada el 25 de diciembre de 2014. Última edición: 23 de abril de 2023.
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