gamer person trying to be developer person :steamhappy:
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cause i know it's you
when my phone rings at night
let's get away from here
there's this house we could share
let's find a car and drive it away
get away today
let's get away from here
there's this house we could share
a beach house where the sound of flip flops and ocean is all you can hear
come on c'mon
let's get away from here~~
senshi KZ May 2 @ 10:56am 
My pocket medic)
Winnie Apr 16 @ 1:12am 
i'm sorry for owning you epic style
R o y a l t y Apr 15 @ 1:24pm 
this is the throw away account, right? you dumb idiot! keep playin the same map with those subtle cheating and then tell ppl you were faster because you hugged wall IN A STRAIGHT LINE!!!! LOL
Paul Flinovich Apr 3 @ 1:02pm 
+rep best medic i ever seen) (love from Russia))
senshi KZ Apr 3 @ 12:38pm 
+rep nice medic and teammate)
Saxton nighter Mar 25 @ 12:18pm 
sigma helped me when i was poor