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Recent reviews by b4sedMG

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126.3 hrs on record (78.5 hrs at review time)
+Beatiful explosions
+Runs well even on mid-tier machines
+Lots of fun ways to tear down structures
+Lots of settlements to complete
+Heat system has been improved greatly (its actually possible to lose a level 3 or 4 heat)
+Greatly improved grappling hook, parachute, and added windsuit.
+Several JC2 mechanics (e.g. hijacking, hacking, supply drops) are greatly improved

=Not as many vehicles/settlements as JC2 (can be seen as a positive or negative)
=Need for flares and beacons for fast travel and weapon drop (adds extra game time, but can get repetitive)

-Occasional crashes/FPS drops (has improved a lot since release)
-Most cities feature nearly identical police stations

Overall: To anyone who enjoyed Just Cause 2, likes blowing **** up, or just needs a game to try to %100, I cannot reccomend this game enough. A lot of the stability issues have been corrected, and the 'multiplayer' challenges aren't annoying at all, with the only real downside being the occasional crash. It is completely worth the $60, and I would reccomend it completely, especially if it goes on sale.
Posted January 10, 2016.
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65.0 hrs on record (15.1 hrs at review time)
Pros: The game is very fun and interactive, with detailed disassembly and x-ray, cutaway, and slow motion for operation.The game is not at all cpu-intensive, and has hours of available gameplay.

Cons: After playing through the first few weapons, it becomes very difficult to continue through the map. The amount of points needed to unlock weapons gets higher than the number of points recieved from completing the weapon tasks very quickly. The firing range missions also have a very low room for error.
Posted December 31, 2014.
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