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18 people found this review helpful
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18.8 hrs on record
Alright. Lunacid is done and dusted. That was a very satisfying game. I've never had the opportunity to play Shadow Tower or the King's Field games, and even though I've watched some gameplay online and have played all the modern day FromSoft games, I wouldn't say I have a legitimate way to compare this to the pre-Soulsborne titles. What I can say is that this game does everything right.


It can seem daunting when you first fire the game up. You definitely will feel lost, and you are so underpowered at the beginning that even snails will hand you your ass lol. However, once you start to get the hang of things, and especially once you unlock the red crystal and the hub area, things will start to progress quickly. There is no map to reference, so you'll have to memorize the layout of each area, which will definitely happen if you stick with it. Additionally, there are numerous secret doors throughout the game. If you are standing next to a wall and you see a question mark, click on that section of wall.

In my opinion, what starts off as almost oppressively difficult ends up being incredibly easy as your character becomes the most powerful being in this game. And especially if you knock out a certain quest that earns you the Moonlight sword. That thing is destructive. Even when you become overpowered, the game still remains completely satisfying and fun.


The combination of spells (via spell rings), weapons, and disposables is perfect. No matter how you like to play, you can manage it here in spades. In fact, much like the aforementioned Moonlight sword, there is also a Moonlight spell. Devastating! What's cool too is that these things aren't just handed to you. You will earn every bit of power and every item via exploration and daring.

The RPG mechanic of levelling up and choosing which abilities to spend your points on is very relevant to how you want to play. Conversely, I don't know if your starting class really matters too much. I went with the Cleric since it had nice rounded out stats. Through the game, I focused on improving Strength and Intelligence with a secondary focus on Dexterity. I did get my Speed up a bit as well. I didn't do too much levelling of Defense or Resistance. A point here and there, but yeah. Although I don't particularly focus on character building beyond things that actually impact the game, I did think adding your choice of Pronoun was a nice touch. You can be whoever you want to be. Some of the starting classes also include vampire and undead lol, so you know the sky is (almost) the limit.

The story was actually very involved and included aspects of the real world (via story telling and two VHS related secrets) and the world in which you find yourself adventuring. I'm not gonna claim it's the epic of all epics, but the story was fun and did incorporate a lot of world building to help tie everything you see together. If anything, I found myself wanting even more story, since everything was so interesting. Although I mostly played this game during the day, the game does incorporate real life time of day into it. If you play during an actual full moon, for example, certain unique events will happen in the game. Which is really neat.


Combat was fun. I didn't bother with blocking, preferring a mix of ranged and spell combat, then closing in and tanking stuff. You mostly trade blows with enemies in melee. In ranged combat, you can strafe to dodge enemy ranged attacks. It's a pretty simple system. Light and heavy attacks. With ranged attacks, that affects your accuracy. In melee, I think heavy attacks are pretty much always the way to go, and if your weapon has a special ability, that is typically how it's discharged as well.

The game looks quite retro and super cool while embracing that kind of granular, old school dungeon crawler/boomer shooter vibe. The soundtrack is vast and awesome. And in game, when a new song starts, the game introduces it to you by showing you the name of the song and artist on the screen briefly.

This game really exudes cool in every fabric of its being. If you are into dungeon crawlers and FromSoft style world interconnectivity, you're probably going to enjoy this game. If you need hand holding in a game though, this will be a skip. It definitely does not do that. Personally, I had a great time with this game and a huge shout out to my friend who gifted it to me. It had not been on my radar prior to that. How about the $13.99 asking price? Worth it? That seems like such a huge bargain to me. It easily earns its asking price.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 31. Last edited May 31.
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1.8 hrs on record
Alright. Hexa Path is done and dusted. This is a hexagon based grid puzzle game where your goal is to fill in each hex on each map. You play as a blue triangle/arrow, and you will set out to accomplish your level filling goals by moving to adjacent squares until you have completed a level or have to restart due to moving in such a way that you can't complete said puzzle.


The learning curve is well paced IMO. The initial levels are very easy and teach you how to play the game. Then new gameplay mechanics are introduced. The are as follows: numbered hexes. The number corresponds to how many times you have to land on the hex before it's ready to be filled in. So, if it says 1 for example, you have to land on it once to clear the number and another time to fill in the hex; lettered hexes which have to be landed on sequentially. So A, then B, then C, etc...; there are also green stars which function as one time teleporters to other green stars; there are red triangles which fill in hexes red and no red hexes can be touched by you until you land on the red triangle, which fortunately moves towards you always; and finally, purple triangles, which are the same as the red ones, but always try to move away from you.


With those gameplay mechanics all in play, several of the puzzles really make you think as you sort out pathing that will allow you to work your way around increasingly more complex levels. I thought there were about five levels where I really had to take my time, restart a few times, and really work out how to approach them. Which was cool. All were doable, but making you think a bit is ideal. The rest of the puzzles were pretty easy though and take maybe one or two minutes tops. But those five or so difficult ones took probably in the five to ten minute range to sort out. There are sixty puzzles total to reach the end.


Hexa Path doesn't have leaderboards or challenge levels or anything, so once you're done, you're done. There isn't really any replay value here. The game retails for $1.99. That's a fair price for sure. However, it has been bundled a few times and does go on sale as well, so you could easily wait if you're not sure. All in all, it took me a bit less than two hours to complete, which was the perfect length IMO, and was an enjoyable puzzle experience.

I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 30.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Alright. Delta0 is a game that is both free to play and has an insane amount of content. 1500 levels plus daily levels and so on. I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program a while back and wanted to give it a look. But, I'm not someone who will play through 1500 levels personally. Much respect if you are though. What I did play through though, I quite enjoyed.


I think the concept of overlapping three number puzzles where each three number pyramid on each level has to match the required total is pretty cool, and so far as I played it, not too complicated. Although I imagine the difficulty continues to escalate. There are also leaderboards to feed your competitive side.


I did think the in game message system is very odd, and there was some crazy unreadable message in my inbox lol. No idea why. Just weird man.


Honestly, that's about all there is to it. If you enjoy math puzzles and don't mind NOT spending money on a game lol, this is the one for you.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 29. Last edited May 30.
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8 people found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
Alright. Oneons: Prisoners is done and dusted. Coffee break turn based roguelike? Yeah. It's that. Difficult to master? No. It was pretty easy. Die often? No. I didn't actually die at all. In reality, it's an incredibly easy game to master.


You play as a little triangular alien dude who along with your fellow triangular people, were captured by...well...something. Sentinels, but I'm not really sure which if any of the enemies were that. You escape captivity and along with any of your fellow triangular dudes/dudettes that you rescue, attempt to escape wherever it is you were being held captive and find a portal back home. Or something like that. There is a story, but I think the feature of the game is the pick up and play roguelike turn based gameplay.

To that end, you can attack enemies by clicking on them or, you can use your psionic powers to buff your attacks and prevent your enemies from being able to attack you back. Different enemies have different abilities. They do not attack you unless you attack them with one exception. Your little triangular dude has health and energy. Energy is used via movement and via using your psionic abilities. As you find your triangular companions, they will increase your health and energy. Another psionic ability outside of that attack buff is a healing power and one other power that I wasn't really certain about its effect other than you take damage when using it.


Each level is a fog of war covered grid style map. Your little dude can travel anywhere it can see, and each grid reveals adjacent grids, which will contain nothing, an enemy, an energy or health refill, or bombs that damage all enemies on the map. You will also find the portal to the next level, which is unlocked by a key one enemy on the map will drop when defeated. And, you also have the opportunity to find one of your triangle buddies.

That's the game. Once you complete the twelfth level, you have beaten the game. You then have the option to continue, presumably to complete any remaining achievements. I will also mention that the soundtrack is very catchy.


I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program. Is this game worth the $2.99 asking price? If you are going to one and done the game, probably not. It only takes roughly a half hour to complete a run. If you plan to play it to 100%, then yes, the price is fair. I enjoyed my time playing it.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 28. Last edited May 28.
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9 people found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
Alright. Scarytales: All Hail King Mongo is done and dusted. in the genre of Hidden Object Games, I think this one is mediocre. It's not bad, but it's also not really good. It is serviceable though, and a short game overall.


One thing I noticed is that some of the objects in the classic 'find this shopping list of items amongst the crowd" did not really make sense in context with the game itself. They were just kind of tossed in to fill out the item quota. Additionally, there were instances where the item wouldn't necessarily trigger when clicked, instances where it was placed in front of something nearly identical to it, and instances where the item could barely be seen at all due to its complete lack of color and detail.

The graphics were decent. Pretty classic HoG stuff.

The story itself was cookie cutter. Evil dude casts spell on prince and tries to seize control of the kingdom. You, the protagonist and princess have to try and stop him. Nothing to, you know...write home about. ;)

The voice acting was bad. Not turrible bad. But bad.


The point and click style find item use item to get another item to get past a door or unlock a new area. Those puzzles were well done. None were too crazy and all were actually applicable to the story and setting.

I didn't really like most of the other puzzles though. Slider and tile matching puzzles are my least favorite already and many of these were quite obtuse. However, you can skip any puzzles you don't feel like doing, and that is a nice feature.

I definitely would not spend $4.99 on this. $1.99? Maybe. Included as part of a bundle? That's definitely the way to go. Like I say, it's very mediocre and forgettable, but it is a serviceable way to spend a couple hours.


I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.

Posted May 27.
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9 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
So, I think Dig The Ground gets a bit of unfair criticism, such as it is. Well, maybe not unfair as such since opinions are opinions. But it doesn't offer a broken experience and is reasonably fun. From my perspective, it is a perfectly functional Match-3 with some enjoyable twists. The explosion chaining in particular is quite cool. As are the changing directions of the map.


And that is pretty much the game. Each level does take about a half hour give or take, and so the time it would take to complete all levels is pretty substantial.

The music is upbeat and kind of 80's sci-fi movie soundtrack style. The graphics are pleasant.

There's really not much else to report with this game honestly. Not that I can think of anyway. As far as mobile ports go though, it's perfectly adequate. The $3,99 price tag is a pretty good deal from a strictly cost vs amount of gametime perspective. From a variety standpoint, you probably will want to grab this on sale or in a bundle. It's been in three bundles so far. No reason not to expect it to be bundled again.

I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 27.
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25 people found this review helpful
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10.4 hrs on record
Alright. Dragon's Dogma 2 is not a lot of fun in my opinion. I want it to be, and I will revisit the game again in a couple months and see if my opinion has changed, but what it is right now is a janky mess with gameplay mechanics designed to encourage you to buy MTX. The story starts off kind of ridiculous, and so far as I've played, that hasn't changed. Combat is not as much fun as I'd hoped and the random encounters every fifteen feet is as unnecessary as things get.

Also, you get weighed down via the encumbrance system with a nominal amount of items to begin with. Which is annoying AF.


The NPCs. Oh man, the NPCs. Some are likable, but as a rule, they fall into two categories: NPCs that really want nothing to do with you and NPCs that absolutely won't stop talking. The overexplaining in this game is over the top.

Me: Excuse me good sir. Would you happen to know the way to the nearest tavern?
NPC: The nearest tavern you say? I remember back when I was a child, my pa used to....


...and then this cart came racing through the thoroughfare. I rolled to the side and wouldn't you know it. I landed right next to the front door of the Walter's Tavern. Which is just up the road to the left btw.

The Pawns are even worse about this. They never stop talking and always want you to follow them, even when all they are doing is walking into the face of a cliff, a thing that happens very frequently. They are the epitome of 'know it alls'. Dude. Aren't you supposed to be working for me? STFU please. Pretty please. With a cherry on top.

I did try playing this on the Steam Deck and it obviously was unplayable. On my PC, it handled mostly okay, although the random drops into soupiness (sub 20 FPS) are definitely still a thing.

Things I did enjoy:

The crafting system.
The amount of detail, annoying as it may be, within the scope of the game's dialogue.
To some extent the quests, even if the premise for getting you to do them is generally stupid and they're mostly fetch or escort style.
When the game looks good, it looks really good.

I realize a lot of people enjoy this game, but in my opinion, Capcom handcuffed themselves with this game's development in order to monetize in game items and gameplay mechanics, and for some reason, they thought releasing a PS3 era style game with a $70 base price tag was a good idea. I had to laugh after the intro where the game introduces itself as Dragon's Dogma rather than Dragon's Dogma 2. I think I know where their mind was at lol. Also, the developers don't bother offering a changelog when they announce updates on Steam. What's up with that?


If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.
Posted May 27. Last edited May 28.
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8 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record
Alright. Marble Trap is in fact exactly as the product page says. "Marble Trap is an isometric rolling race game where you need to roll your way to the finish without getting trapped." By trapped, what they mean is fall off the map into the water surrounding it or be destroyed by the active obstacles on the map. Which include cannons, spike traps, axe traps, trapdoors, and presumably more. Each level also includes stars for you to collect, which are tied to an achievement, so make sure you don't skip them. They're easy enough to grab. I've completed 18 of the 144 levels at this moment, and I could feel my blood pressure rising as I got hyper focused on trying to complete the mazes lol. Which in all honesty aren't all that difficult, but still require some focus and can be tension building.


Although there isn't really much to the game, it is actually pretty fun, and very pleasant looking. Additionally, the soundtrack with the instrumental metal riffs and some kind of electronica tunes really keeps you engaged.


I found this to be virtually unplayable with k/m. I mean, it is technically playable with k/m, but I had a difficult time with it. In contrast, it functioned perfectly well with a gamepad and with the Steam Deck. I think gamepad is the way to go with this game personally.

There are leaderboards as well as daily and weekly challenges, so even if you complete the 144 levels, there is more game to be had here. There are also 100 achievements, so achievement hunters might also appreciate this game.


All in all, I think it's an enjoyable puzzle game, and it's definitely pick up and play with each level probably only taking a couple minutes to complete (although I imagine the difficulty probably ramps up and those times along with it). It definitely earns it's $2.99 asking price, although obviously this game will go on sale frequently and has been bundled a few times. I think it's a pretty easy recommendation.

I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 27. Last edited May 28.
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15 people found this review helpful
1.3 hrs on record
Alright. Rogue Robots is a twin stick shooter with some interesting gameplay mechanics that revolve around you being a robot bent on destroying mankind.


The gameplay loop is pretty simple. You select a connected map node (after completing the first node) and then complete the objectives within the map, after which you move on to the next node, until you reach the city center where the difficulty spikes significantly. There are three cities total to destroy. Your node objectives include hacking stuff, blowing up stuff, finding new gear, and simply escaping the map. Nothing too complicated.

Along the way, your robot will massacre human soldiers and police officers as well as some robots they set against you. You can also destroy many things in the environment, most notably vehicles, which there is a tracker for how many you destroy on each map. Vehicles blow up, killing or hurting any enemies near them, and generally drop healthpacks, gear patches, and weapons.

Your robot has five basic body parts. A frame, legs, two arms, and a head. Each can be upgraded, or in the case of the arms, loaded with whatever weapons you have unlocked (one per arm). In combat, you will use both arms to attack. Upgrades are usually an objective found on certain maps. Additionally, this does have a level up RPG system, whereby you can unlock a variety of stuff from increased ammo to attack drones to healing zones, etc.....


And that's pretty much the game in a nutshell. It's fun enough and does everything it's trying to do quite well. It wasn't necessarily enough to hold my attention for too long, but I appreciate it for what it is, and I think it will be right in a lot of players wheelhouse(s). And, because it features a node system, there is a degree of pick up and play to the game. Each node can be completed in as little as a few minutes although more complex ones take longer. My only real complaint is the hefty difficulty spike in the city centers. It's a bit much considering how easy the rest of the game is comparatively. The price does seem fair and it definitely goes on sale periodically.

I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 27. Last edited May 27.
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14 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Alright. A Wanderer's Adventure is a no effort unfinished choose your own adventure. It's been in early access for five years. In that time, not only could the developers not edit any of their writing to make sense in English, instead preferring bad translations and nonsensical strings of words, but they couldn't even finish ten pages of one paragraph dialogue for some of their story arcs. You get an "early access" placeholder instead of further story, or in one instance, an error message saying that the content can't be found. The thumbnail when you view it in your library instead of the store page says it is called "A Wanker's Adventure" instead of "A Wanderer's Adventure". Truer words have never been spoken (written) lol.

This game has no business being offered for sale at any price. It's not even a game, and after five years in early access, safe bet it will never be a game.

Under no circumstances should you purchase this.

I received this license via my Robilar's Reviews curator program.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, Robilar's Reviews, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Also follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
Posted May 27.
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