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0.7 hrs last two weeks / 33.3 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 21 @ 6:57am
Updated: Apr 29 @ 2:09am

All right so it took me almost two hours of troubleshooting to get the game to run properly. That is very disappointing for a game that has been in live service for over six years, but at least once I got it to run properly there haven't been any more major technical issues.

So, I decided to change my review to positive after several evenings where I realized I couldn't wait to get back to playing it. The writing is good, the world is like a more fantastical take on Fallout with a greater variety in enemies and environments, and I enjoy exploring and looting places. The game still has its bugs but it's a lot better than it used to be. It's definitely slop, but like the good kind of slop. It's just fun to hop in and explore around to see what you run into.

I haven't engaged with any of the end-game gameplay loops yet. From what I have seen and heard, they're your standard MMO fare of daily and weekly lock-outs to grind currencies to unlock better gear. Look, I play FFXIV, I understand the purpose of such systems so I don't think they would have affected my opinion anyway even if I had reached them before writing this review. At least it looks like you can unlock cooler stuff than just an ilvl increase.

There is a lot about the game to love, and a lot to hate, but right now for me the pluses outweigh the minuses and it's just a good old time messing around in Appalachia. And when I grow bored I'll just go play other games until the second season of the show comes out and FO76 has had a few new updates.
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