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PinkFluffies 6 hours ago 
To be clear, I plow dar, not the other way.
Hex: Powdered Donut 21 hours ago 
Its okay little buddy, your statements here prove just how mentally broken you truly are, saying the same thing over and over, buddy I'm not Dar, stop calling me Daddy!
Hex: Powdered Donut 22 hours ago 
Cry harder kiddo, all you do is troll people online so you can get your fill of attention that you cant get from elsewhere, you're so incredibly insecure you don't even leave your hours on public, Id be willing to bet you've wasted even more of your life than Dar has kiddo. Delete your comments kiddo, go back to hiding from confrontation, its what you do best right? You don't have any other redeemable qualities anyways. Its okay, dar will still love plowing you every night, I'm surprised hes let go of his death grip on your ♥♥♥♥, its just you standing here, trying to scrape up some form of a high ground. Least self aware person on the internet, please, go outside kiddo
PinkFluffies Sep 22 @ 9:35pm 
schizo rage
Hex: Powdered Donut Sep 22 @ 5:54pm 
You sly dog! Dar stopped holding your ♥♥♥♥ with his death grip so you started typing again! You really don’t need to beg for attention this way, I’m sure you can ask him to ♥♥♥♥ you, it would be his pleasure
Hex: Powdered Donut Sep 22 @ 5:51pm 
Can’t forget your cuck friend Sasquatch! He really just likes to watch, sitting there, leaving a comment or two, acting terrified of me by trying to threaten me with my IP, you guys are truly sad, truly, I feel bad for you