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Geplaatst: 6 jul 2016 om 22:52

First off, I'm playing on Linux with an i7-4770k, GTX 770 4GB, 16 GB ram and a driving force GT (DFGT).

Feral Interactive did the port, and based on others reviews it seems they made it work better than Windows. Sure there's slightly worse performance and a few bugs here and there, but generally it's working great. Best of all, Feral responds to bug reports and actively tries to help!

Performance wise I get a steady 40-50 FPS with spikes up to 90-100. More consistent FPS would be nice, but it's an issue out of Ferals control. The game has never crashed for me either. Sound has wigged out once, but a simple restart of the game fixed it.

AI seems to be a popular complaint as well. I fully agree that they need improving, especially when they get blue flagged. It doesn't ruin the game for me though. I'd be happier seeing more AI difficulty options or at least less drastic skill differences between difficulties. The jump from hard to expert or legend is just a bit too big, especially when comparing qualifying performance to race performance (AI performs better in the race).

The final thing I'd like to see improved is Linux wheel support. If I wasn't as familiar with Linux, I'd have a hard to sorting out the wheel settings. For anyone running into problems my strategy has been to use ltwheelconf to set turn radius and such, then use jstest-gtk to calibrate the wheel and peddles. It has to be done once per time the wheels power is disconnected or your computer is restarted. I also set the steering saturation in game to around 40-60, otherwise the in game wheel isn't quite in sync.
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Ramma 20 okt 2016 om 12:32 
Upgraded to a 1070 recently, and the game is buttery smooth. With just about everything maxed it rarely gets below 60. Still a few bugs here and there, but nothing game breaking or hard to work around.