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Publisert: 2. okt. 2023 kl. 17.47
Oppdatert: 26. okt. 2023 kl. 11.01

If you want a casual spoiler free review of this DLC, I think it completes the game that is Cyberpunk 2077. Both in terms of story telling and rehauled the combat system over all which many think "this is how the game is supposed to be from Cyberpunk 2077 launch day. It added a whole new layer to the game not just the dlcs but the police and driving system as well, which is fantastic. The new gigs are all really really good and interesting, new weapons to mess around with and the story as a whole brings new perspective to those who have already experienced all the other endings in the main game.

Now here comes the BUT: It is still buggy at launch, my game crashed on many story missions if the enemies didn't bugged out themselves and just stand there for me poke them. Now I expect these bugs to be patched and fixed sooner or later but if that is the only thing I have a problem with, I would not be writing this review. Let's just say I recommend buying the game on sale rather than right now. The 2.0 update is free and that alone is enough until you have finished everything the base game has to offer.

Please stop reading here if you don't want to be spoiled on the DLC. I have finished all new DLC endings, did all that the game has to offer and I will fully understand the flame I am about to receive for this hot take. I think the DLC story and endings is silly, don't get me wrong, the writing make sense and the ending provided circles back to the ones in the main story perfectly. You can't have everything, sacrifices have to be made as Johnny Silverhand put it when it comes to happy ending "Here, for folks like us? Wrong City, wrong people" but it just felt like the writer intentionally made the story and ending for this DLC extra depressing and sad just so people would stop complaining about the main endings in the game where there is no cure available for the main character. I have more questions than answers by the end of the new ending. What happened to Mama Welles? Did the main character lost everything including his money when he went into a coma? I mean come on, it is digital currency, does auto payment for apartment not exist in the year 2070s? That stuff exist right now for crying out loud. I call it nonsense for the main character to lose everything and for the story to limits who you can call and talk to, V as a main character, if you have played every side quests and done all the side missions should have more friends and allies to contact, 2 years time is not that big of a deal. Lowering V down to a nobody in the new ending and make them feel depressed just seems forced and needed just to "redeem" the originals endings. I don't regret preordering this DLC because I genuinely think this is a huge step up from patch 1.0, but I would have liked for CD Projekt Red to let us pick and choose what version of the game we can play. 1.70 combat system is flawed but there were so many interesting builds that I loved messing around with but now it is all gone. This new patch and the new DLC gives the player many new things but not all of it is great, so unless you finished the main game and want to experience more of Cyberpunk 2077, I don't think it is worth the full price. Take time, wait for a sale. Anyway, bully me for my hot takes away. IGN and many other review site give it 10/10 and 8/10, so maybe I am wrong and deserve the hate for this review, maybe I am expecting too much in this expansion, maybe the hyped got to me. But the fact that this is the last expansion this game will get kind of makes me sad.

Edit: I feel like there is a feel things I need to preface due to confusion:
1. I don't have a problem with the DLC story just because of the depressing endings, if I did I wouldn't have liked Cyberpunk 2077 or the anime or preordered this DLC. As a matter of fact, I praised the DLC story and writing because from an overall look, it completes Cyberpunk 2077 the game. But if I were to critique this DLC story on its own, it is silly. I don't mind if the ending is sad, I just want it to make sense. The one thing I forgot to add in the review is how bare bone the branching choices are for this DLC, you technically have one new ending and everything else is just you denying to take part in the DLC story further. Maybe if you read my review fully before jumping to conclusion, you would know.

2. I don't just have an issue with the bugs and crashes, I don't think the expansion is worth the asking price because it is really short, if you love the game but are short on cash, wait for a sale, and the spoiler section details more about the issue I have with the DLC story, and changes made to the main gameplay. If you love this DLC and the game runs silky smooth on your computer? I am happy for you, enjoy. I just can't relate.

3. Please keep the clown award coming, I love getting more points to shop for new profiles. Thanks.
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40 kommentarer
kk5dire 1. juni kl. 18.52 
While I personally found the DLC worth it. I for sure agree with many of the points outlined. While I did enjoy the story, there were some key moments that just felt "off" to me, hopefully the next game fixes a lot of issues with the first. I heard that they were holding back on saying anything publicly to try to not have a rehash of the disastrous launch that was Cyberpunk's launch. :celeste_bird:
Moon 24. mai kl. 5.59 
I agree. A lot of the ending feels forced. The devs really tried to make you feel like shit to the point of pushing the definied rules established so far Ditching So Mi, understandably, should already make the player feel conflicted. Vindicated maybe. Betrayed. Frustrated. Disappointed. I think that was a great choice to put on the player. The ending forced on the player however, feels like a massive slap in the face. I played basically without cyberware, so that ending felt particularly bullshit to me.
Moon 24. mai kl. 5.59 
The fact that everyone you've connected with, helped to a massive degree, and built bonds with just moves on from you, is understandable. Two years is a while. But your the world actually taking that two steps further, and not just moving on, but stripping you of literally most connections and things you've built up almost without rhyme or reason was cathartic in a really shitty unfair way that makes the player feel robbed in like a "Wow, the devs just really wanted to tell you to fuck yourself huh?" way, despite all your investment. It feels a little disingenuous and lazy to force that ending on every player, without at least making more light hearted alternative endings, despite the possibility of needing to put in more effort to make them.

Ending aside being my only and major gripe, playing through the DLC was really fun, and the gigs in the new area are leagues ahead of whatever you've experienced in the base game.
Vixen 20. mai kl. 1.48 
@steelguy25 100% the problem is the fact that the game still isn't finished regardless of patched glitches
steelguy25 19. mai kl. 7.01 
Remember when the game launched in a broke ass state? Pepridge Farm remembers. Oh how quickly people forget. Shit still sucks and praising the devs for "fixing bugs" when in reality the game should have been like this from the start. Stop buying trash thats broken and companies will stop releasing trash thats broken! I've played the main title through twice and sure, it's amusing. But they lied to everyone and no one seems to want to hold them accountable. Unpopular opinion... People that continue to support shitty companies that out right lie to them and need to accept their fair share of responsibility for the sorry state that gaming is currently in. STOP BUYING FROM COMPANIES THAT LIE TO YOU!
Estifur 18. mai kl. 6.47 
@Houdas You wanna leave the same comment on the positive reviews of this expansion as well? They all have 0 hrs on record too.
Estifur 18. mai kl. 6.27 
@Houdas DLC don’t have hrs on record, check his base game hours.
parrish 18. mai kl. 6.19 
0 hours on record with an opinion is insanity
Senzo 6. apr. kl. 22.10 
@Ryn did you know there is a sidequest called Sweet Dreams that if you decide to accept the mission will messes up your carrying capacity with 900 extra pounds of nothing that you cant get rid of? That bug has been around for at least 2 years now and despite the community talking about it on subreddit and GOG forum, and even after the new expansion and the 2.0 update came out, this issue have not been addressed completely?

There is a solution involving reloading a new autosave created by the game if the player notices the bug early enough, but if not they would have to reload their save way back before they accepted the sidequest or have their inventory screwed up forever.

I am happy that your game is bug free, but unfortunately I am not the only person here who think Idris Elba is full of crap when he said "The game is fixed".
Ryn 6. apr. kl. 13.37 
it isnt that buggy. I've been playing it and havent had much issues. The only issue ive had is performance because my pc sucks. i have to use an fsr 3 mod to get 30-40 fps