Prostate Pleaser
Don't peep the inventory
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1,435 Hours played
I can't even call this a game, it is so much more. This experience transcends it's "game-like" shell and revolutionizes every aspect of humanity. Held between the login screen and the end credits is a masterclass on the human condition - a journey through morality, self discovery and ultimately your deepest and darkest fantasies. As Karl Marx said "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness". Gachi Heroes sheds light on this sentiment by conditioning the pawn (player) slowly through it's array of inviting colors, but ultimately dark underlying principles. Within the confides of this game you will eventually acknowledge the fact that we have no innate control over ourselves but are woven between the deep dark fantasies of what we call society, thrown mercilessly about like a ship lost at sea. As I progressed through the game I could feel myself being consumed by the devastation I was inflicting upon the bare buttocks before me. I owe my life to the developers for making an end to the game, otherwise I would still be senselessly smacking that sitzfleisch to this day.
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A commentary on the human condition
флакон May 24 @ 5:22am 
прими го трейд
Yozshuzuru May 4 @ 10:25am 
+rep rly good
Bacher Mar 11 @ 10:13pm 
pleased me during my prostate