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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 65.9 hrs on record (36.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 11, 2024 @ 8:55am
Product received for free

Ok, so, first: I really like this game. I think it's cruelly overlooked and needs more eyes on it. This game needs more people playing. BUT! This is my bias talking and I am writing a review here. So... I can't promise this will be 100% the case, but I will do my best to remain as objective as I can.

Right now, Skygard Arena is a PvP experience where each player control a party of 3 champions to battle using a turn-based tactical battle system. (You can also play against one of two bots, one of them being a lot more advanced than the previous.) In this demo, the pool of champions appears small: only 7 available. However, each champion have two personae you can choose from, each of them having their own set of skills, play style, and leaving you the choice of 4 different artifacts you can choose from, which dictates the passive skill the character will have. So in spite of the limited pool in the demo, the game offers a lot more variety than it first appears. You will often meet the same characters, but not always the same strategies used with them.

Next, I want to talk about maps, because Gemelli Games took a daring position on the matter. There are several maps the game randomly selects for each game which nothing more than the scale, the obstacles and the position of the elements of interest that change. But in opposition to most PvP strategy games where maps are symmetrical on one side and the other, Skygard Arena shakes things up by making maps asymmetrical instead. This means that depending on which side you are on, you will not exploit the map the same way your opponent does. Also, the side of the map you will start playing on dictates which player goes first. One side always goes first and the other always goes second. But at the moment, there is no way to decide which side you want to start on against the AI, you will always play first and therefore always play the same side of the map. Which means you cannot practice the other side of the map before playing PvP, leading to potential disadvantage if you go second in these instances. Hopefully, this will change in the future. If you allow me this tip: zoom out as much as possible when playing the game to have a nice view of the map and its surroundings. If the game auto zooms (like it does from time to time), just zoom out again, it barely takes a second. You can use the mouse wheel for this like many other games.

Skygard Arena is still in active development, so you will likely encounter bugs or other issues. With that said, it is a fairly stable game people can enjoy. I got no crashes while playing and the game keeps running smoother on every patch. If you have a problem, you can contact the team using their Discord server where they are active and react to people posting there. So don’t hesitate to pass by.

The biggest challenge of Skygard Arena, at the time of writing this review, is that it is criminally overlooked. This means the game does not have a lot of players playing the game and waiting times can be atrociously long. If you have the opportunity, if it appears Skygard Arena could be your game, I can’t encourage you enough to give this game a try. If you are a competitive player, there is a leaderboard with elo ranking to prove who’s the best. If you are here for fun or just don’t like going against other players, you can play against the AI and there will be a story mode added in the complete version of the game planned for the full release later this year.

It will be my pleasure to meet you on the battlefield.
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