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張貼於:2015 年 11 月 11 日 下午 2:27

Ima keep it short and simple. Its a good game, but a bad Fallout game.
If you came here for a fallout game then prepare for a bit of dissapointment.

Your character is no longer yours, he is a married vet with a voice. This is downed even more with the new dialouge wheel. The gunplay feels great and i love the crafting. It makes every item in the world not useful and not simply junk. The world is small, but is made up by its number of things in the world. Instead of wondering through a barren landscape like in fallout 3, new vegas, and skyrim, you are now greated with a number of things. I LOVE THE CITIES. I honestly could not give two ♥♥♥♥♥ about graphics. In my opinion, if i wanted realistic graphics i would go outside. Bethesda games in my opinion have always been ugly, even skyrim. This one however, is gorgeous. Its more colorful and not as dull as the others. Ive only come into contact with one bug and thats a graphical glitch at some Dam. I understand there are some major bugs with other players and its sad to see Triple A games going through this path. All i can say is try it. Whether you pirate it or buy it and get a refund. Just try it. I did and im loving it.
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