STEAM_1:0:32617609   Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
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CS:GO History


Past Teams:
auXesis` - (nova, twinky, Catalyst, ReIgN, fras)
Qlimax Crew - (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, braKe, m0nt)
The Chiefs - (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, ap0c/dizzy)
Team Australia - (nova, USTILO, jks, SPUNJ, azr, havoc, yam, rickeh, james, snyper, emagine, ferg, deStiny, dizzy)
Vox Eminor (nova, moeycq, cozeh, rbz, sico)

Results - $14,250

1st - $800 - Lets Play Live Amateur Season 1 - 29/07/2019 - good dog =) (nova, snosh, s1lver, val, frasbr)
2nd - $625 - AEL University Cup S2 LAN - 3/11/2018 - ANU eSports (nova, snosh, 1ko, charl1e, buns)
2nd - $2000 - Iesf World Championship Qualifier LAN - 2/09/2016 - SYF Gaming (nova, ino, squishy, kstaar, ferg)
3rd - CounterPit S2 Oceania - 10/12/2015 - Vox Eminor (nova, moeycq, cozeh, rbz, sico)
1st - $750 - Barracks Spring Cup LAN - 28-29/11/2015 - Crimson Warriors (nova, aaron, dexter, drag0n, luka)
3rd - $1500 - MSi CGPL Season 4 LAN - 30-01/06-07/2015 - Vox Eminor (nova, marto, moeycq, cozeh, ar3s)
3rd/4th - $500 - ACL Pro Melbourne LAN - 27-28/07/2015 - Vox Eminor (nova, teddyt, moeycq, cozeh, ar3s)
1st - $1125 - Barracks Winter Cup LAN - 10-12/07/2015 - Crimson Warriors (nova, moeycq, dexter, drag0n, bubbly buddy)
5th/6th - ACL Pro Sydney LAN - 27-28/06/2015 - Vox Eminor (nova, teddyt, moeycq, m0nt, deoxiDE)
3rd - $750 - CGPL Season 3 LAN - 11-12/04/2015 - The Chiefs (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, ap0c)
1st - US$850 - ESEA-AU Season 18 - 8/04/2015 - The Chiefs (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, nikkez(sub))
2nd - FaceIt Oceania League - 5/03/2015 - The Chiefs (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, ap0c)
2nd - $500 - PeetyG Invitational LAN - 07-08/03/2015 - The Chiefs (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, dizzy)
1st - $400 - VoxPlay Ghost Cup - 18/01/2015 - Qlimax Crew/The Chiefs (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, dizzy)
1st - $1000 - Legends Sydney LAN - 13/12/2014 - BUMBLEBOYS (nova, mizu, deoxide, kruden, nick)
1st - $800 - DEFRAG #4 ODC - 30/11/2014 - Qlimax Crew/The Chiefs (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, dizzy)
1st - $600 - Trident Spring Comp - 23/11/2014 - Qlimax Crew/The Chiefs (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, ofnu, james (slut))
4th - SteelSeries Gear - Azubu Australian Masters LAN - 08-09/11/2014 - Qlimax Crew (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, braKe, m0nt)
3rd - $850 - CGPL Season 2 LAN Finals - 19/10/2014 - Qlimax Crew (nova, Lightstep, zew$y, braKe, m0nt)
1st - $200 - TTHUB ACT LAN - 10/08/2014 - Crimson Warriors (nova, Kronos, shok, meth0d, slylad)
2nd - $500 - Team Virtual Sydney CS:GO LAN - 12/07/2014 - DPR.KOREA (nova, mizu, r3gzz, fras, Hellzy + decade)
1st - $350 - CyberGamer Autumn Amateur ODC - 08/06/2014 - Dynasty/Qlimax (nova, kronos, zewsyy, tucks, snakewOw)
3rd - CyberGamer Amateur S3 - auXesis` (nova, twinky, Catalyst, ReIgN, fras)
1st - CyberGamer Amateur ODC - 12/01/2014 - auXesis` (nova, twinky, Catalyst, ReIgN, fras)
1st - $200 - Kambra CS:GO Draft LAN - 29/09/2013 - nova, bgz, generiK, Squish, Tobster

1.7 sens, 400 dpi, 1000hz polling rate

Zowie EC1-A
Recent Activity
12.1 hrs on record
last played on May 18
142 hrs on record
last played on Apr 10
68 hrs on record
last played on Apr 10
Legendary Red Baron Apr 7 @ 11:49pm 
Hi, please sign my steam profile :oscar:
tae Dec 21, 2023 @ 7:00am 
sign please !!
generiK Oct 24, 2023 @ 11:08pm 
Did he died?
Maric Jan 7, 2022 @ 1:29am 
sign please?
Clxtchey Feb 25, 2021 @ 9:28am 
Can i get a profile sign please? :)
C4 Defusing Whore Jan 12, 2021 @ 2:32pm 
Wholesome award to you for being awesome, stay with us! -C4