Mr. Green Jeans
Monsieur Zelený Spodinie   Minnesota, United States
why don't you slip into something more comfortable?

like a coma
Artwork Showcase
Workshop Showcase
Mr. Green Jeans Message: Hello! This art gallery is not like anything you've ever seen before. It is the crowning jewel upon a video project my team and I created for the garrysmod community Sunrust and a love letter to the Zombie Survival community known
83 ratings
Screenshot Showcase
highly sought after and extremely rare amongst spray collectors the world over. very rare.
La mode da vie.
      On behalf of every player on all of planet earth, my team and I have gone through a bit of trouble                               to present to you a celebration of Sprays from around the world.

                                    Click here to watch Sprays! : The Secret Sauce of Source

      You are my Spray Brothers and Sisters. We Spray together. We die together. Come Hell or high                   water our Sprays will be sprayed into oblivion. Our art, cherished by Gabe himself.                                       Step forth into the Kingdom of Source Engine Spray Heaven.

                                                       We remain together until the end.
Redflames Apr 25 @ 6:58pm 
Welcome back my Noxiousnet friend.
It's good to see you back Mr. Green Jeans. :steamhappy:
Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Apr 17 @ 1:39pm 
+rep confirmed Twingo enjoyer :steamhappy:
SuperToaster Apr 12 @ 7:47pm 
" do you know why I don't have hair on my b-lls? because hair doesn't grow on b-lls of steel " It was awesome meeting you Green, really down to earth guy and very talented.
Kafkaesque Apr 12 @ 7:33am 
This song popped into my head the other day, so I looked it up and found this absolute gem that was posted 16 years ago. I couldn't help but notice the two fellows looked somewhat familiar to two particular individuals.
green_cube Apr 11 @ 10:41am 
Humanity has always expressed itself through art: hopes, dreams, wishes and more... that doesn't necessarily apply to the majority of
Gmod players , but Mr. Green Jeans gives everyone the same chances and for that he deserves our all respect
Fragger Apr 7 @ 12:23pm 