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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 20.2 hrs on record (15.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: May 11 @ 2:28am

Nostalgia from childhood. I played this game on my step-brother's PS2 back in the late 2000s as a teen. Still just as challenging and fun as it was back then. It did not age well at all, but I still love reveling in all its cheesiness. I mean who doesn't love an edgy vampire chick hacking up crazy occultist nazis? The game is essentially a B-movie and it does it well.

The game is a bit needlessly difficult sometimes, though it could be a skill issue on my part (never been the best at fast-past action).

The level designs are a bit uninspired and bland, and I often find myself roaming around lost as if I'm in a labrynth (a map would or radar of some sorts would be nice), but it's nothing bad worth knocking it down for.

The AI is absolutely stupid as all get out and some bosses are weirdly easy (some are even a free kill).

The combat feels a bit limited given that you only have the same 5 basic moves that you cycle through, although you can always spice things up by strafing around and doing Matrix flips while rattatat-tat-ing the bad guys. You know, gotta live up to the game's cheesiness.

The story/concept is a bit bizarre and campy, but I think it gives it charm and I quite enjoy it. I'd suggest this game if you don't mind all that and just want to have some senseless carnage fun.
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