Bad At Videogames
Just an actual Rat IRL   Chad
I suck at any and all video games. I'm easiest kill in game and the worst player to get on your team.:steamsalty: "Practice Makes Perfect" doesn't apply to me. Hours played means nothing for my skill level. I'm a paradox. :LeonRE4:
Check my wishlist and buy me something out of pity for my badness. :redorb:


Also the insane profile page is just for laughs & jokes, you mongoloids.:bleach:
Currently Offline
DBD Social Experiments - Survivor
Dead By Daylight Social Experiment Results
These are experiments in which I name my Steam Profile a certain way or do a certain thing in game in a way to gather data on how people act.

Survivor Social Experiments

If you're a killer looking at my profile while I'm named ONLY RPD. Please consider letting me escape through gate for 'Outbreak Breakout" achievement. Thanks!
Only Rpd
Premise: Naming myself Only RPD and only bringing RPD Map offerings.
Hypothesis: Considering everyone seems to have a echo chamber hatred for this map, i expect alot of map offering blockers, d/c dodges, or people giving up on hook. I expect the Killer to want to kill me more than any other survivor for bringing them to RPD.
Current Results: Very unpredictable so far & not quite to my hypothesis.
Games: (so far) 15
Games in which people Disconnected in loading screen: 3 (i count these in the games count despite not actually playing)
Games in which someone brought a map offering blocker to avoid RPD: 5
Games in which more than one person brought an offering blocker: 0
Games in which we still got RPD despite the map blocker: 0
Games in which someone else brought a RPD offering to embrace the chaos: 4
Games in which I was shown mercy/given hatch: 3
Games against turbo sweater Killers that basically slaughtered my team and me: 6
Games in which pre/endgame chat mentioned my name and gimmick: 2
Games in which a survivor gave up because they didn't want to play RPD: 0
Games in which killer D/Ced during match to avoid RPD: 0
Games in which I escaped of my own skill (which is barely existent): 2

Cake Bringer
Premise: Naming myself Cake Bringer & Bringing Anniversary Cakes into every game only on events that are not the Anniversary event.
Hypothesis: Killers should be more inclined to either show mercy or allow me to play a bit longer than usual in thanks for the bloodpoints bonus I bring. Survivors should also be compelled to also bring an offering knowing I will be bringing one to further increase Bloodpoint gains.
Current Results: Currently Killer part of Hypothesis is false. Survivor part of Hypothesis is also fairly underwhelming.
Games: (so far) 55
Games in which atleast 1 other survivor also brought a BP offering: 10
Games in which i was tunneled out first: 7
Games in which I was shown mercy/given hatch: 2
Games in which the killer brings BP offering: 5
Games against turbo sweater Killers that basically negated my BP offering: 35
Games in which pre/endgame chat mentioned my name and gimmick: 1
Games in which more than 1 other survivor brought a BP offering: 3

Bad At Videogames (My normal name)
Premise: My normal name Bad At Videogames which is not a joke. It's true. :'(
Hypothesis: Killers probably will look to eliminate me first in assuming I'm the weakest link of the team. Survivors should have no surprise when I end up sucking at the game.
Current Results: Sometimes follows my Hypothesis, Sometimes doesn't. Majority of the time games seem normal.
Games: (so far) 343ish
Games in which pre/endgame chat mentioned my name and gimmick: 53
Games in which a nerd thought they could hurt my feelings by telling me "your name fits": 9
Games in which i was tunneled out first: 90
Games in which I was shown mercy/given hatch: 25
Games against turbo sweater Killers that basically camped/tunneled me: 83
Games against friendly killers: 5
Games in which a teammate went out of their way to save me from death: 35
Games in which I looped the killer for longer than 30 seconds: 20
Games in which I basically did all the gens and still got hate for "not playing correctly": 6

Much of the time I play in anonymous mode when i don't feel like getting tunneled for the night for science.

Need ESC 4 Achieve
Premise: Naming myself "Need ESC 4 Achieve" to help get certain achievements like "Power Moves" since I suck ass at this game and can't do it of my own skill.
Hypothesis: Atleast 30% or slightly more Killers should in theory show me some sort of mercy or give me more chances to escape or give me hatch in order to help me get an achievement/challenge.
Current Results: Not yet started
Games: (so far) 0 - Not yet started
Games in which i was tunneled out first: 0
Games in which I was shown mercy/given hatch: 0
Games in which the killer passes the vibe check: 0
Games against turbo sweater Killers that don't vibe: 0
Games in which pre/endgame chat mentioned my name and gimmick: 0
Games in which i actually escaped of my own skill against a killer trying: 0

DBD Social Experiments - Killer
Killer Social Experiments

Pacifist Killer
Premise: Naming myself Pacifist Killer and not killing any survivor of my own choice, but still going for hooks for points.
Hypothesis: Most endgame chats should be full of cheerful happy survivors who are basically given free wins.
Current Results: About 35% of Hypothesis correct, for some reason some survivors want you to kill them. They must want to lower their MMR too, can't blame em. lol
Games: (so far) 42
Games in which the Survivors played like Korean Seal Team six when I was clearly just goofing: 9
Games in which the Survivor offered a token of friendship first: 4
Games in which I got 1 or more Survivor pets who followed me and had fun: 7
Games in which 1 or more survivors just don't get that I'm friendly and run around terrified: 22
Games in which the survivor won't accept their free escape and basically make me kill them: 8
Games in which I literally had to hide in a corner so the survivors wouldn't be too scared to work on a gen: 14
Games in which i accidentally killed a survivor because i miscounted hook states: 5 :(
Games in which 1 or more survivor gives up on hook on first hook: 10
Games in which 1 or more survivor D/Cs: 3
Games in which I ranked up and received more bloodpoints than every survivor despite not killing anyone: 42
Games in which 1 or more survivor in endgame chat praised me for their free escape: 12
Games in which 1 or more survivor in endgame chat wanted to have secks with me: 2

Only Kill Flashlighters
Premise: Naming myself "Only Kill Flashlighters" and then only going out of my way to kill people that bring flashlights and use them obnoxiously. Lightborn included.
Hypothesis: I personally feel the Overwhelming majority of Flashlight Warrior survivors are usually the ones that mald the most when they lose in endgame chat and/or teabag and act superior/talk ♥♥♥♥ when they win. They tend to be obnoxious & self-centered & give up when things don't go their way. This experiment should prove that theory correct.
Current Results: So far my Hypothesis is overwhelmingly correct. I expect the results to continue to reflect the more games I play.
Games: (so far) 6
Games in which I tunneled out the Flashlight warrior(s) successfully: 6
Games in which I've failed to kill the Flashlighter: 0
Games in which I accidentally killed 1 other non-flashlight survivor (usually because of altruism): 1
Games in which the Flashlighter was malding in endgame chat: 4
Games in which the other survivors laugh at the demise of the Flashlight dork in endgame chat: 2
Games against turbo sweater Seal Team Six Survivors: 2
Games in which pre/endgame chat mentioned my name and gimmick: 4
Games in which the Flashlight Loser D/Ced or gave up on hook as soon as they saw I had Lightborn: 2
Games in which the Flashlighter tried to win me over to spare them: 1
Games in which the Flashlighter's friends try to hate on me for killing their lame friend: 1
Games in which the Flashlighter was a result of a last second cheeky character swap: 1

I do not count games in which no survivor brings a Flashlight.
I also do not count games in which more than 2 survivors bring flashlights. It's not funny if it's just a regular 4 kill.
Favorite Game
Hours played
Favorite Game
Hours played
Featured Artwork Showcase
Featured Artwork Showcase
The good ole Double Hook for Fun Build
Review Showcase
0.7 Hours played
When critiquing art, one must not only look at merits of such piece but also the cons and how the artist may improve. George Washington spoke in his crossing of the Delaware in 1776, "I know not of the future, yet I know that one day, our children will birth a masterpiece." Many interpret that saying to refer to the country of America or even the American Constitution which lays bare the governance of a free country that -while it may have it's flaws - is united in time of trial and conflict. Yet, it's clear the Washington really meant "Anime Feet" the hot new Steam game taking Twitch by storm.

I first saw this game when Ninja streamed it during a fundraiser for the Make a Wish Foundation and I instantly was hooked. You have over 15 levels of intense puzzle action with a starring focus around the perfectly sculpted feet of Anime Girls. George Washington would have a smile flash across his wooden teeth to know we have the masterpiece he spoke of finally at our finger tips. Personally, I'm much more of a giant tits guy, but Anime Feet's gameplay loop and progression system keep you invested in the feet to a level where I finally began to come around just a bit to their charm. It's incredible to see that so much innovation can be placed in a game that is only $1.99. DLC is supported and highly valued for what it adds to the core gameplay. The music is soothing and fits well with the action going on. At times it can be a waiting game to line up your shots, but the game rewards you for doing well with excellent sound clips of the girls (the owners of the feet) congratulating and cheering you on. But it's also rewarding in the challenge you overcome by beating the clock against all odds with perfect precision and excellent knowledge of the game mechanics.

This is truly worthy of the price and then some. I wouldn't be surprised to see this game turn into an Esport soon with how huge it's gotten in recent time. Hentai Saves Australia truly has a new rival and it will be interesting to see how the competition will push both games to greatness. If you're looking for an intensely good Hentai Puzzler starring Feet, well... you can't get much better than this. This is the Shadowbringers of Feet Games.

Speaking of FFXIV, this is a great supplement for ERPing in Quicksands.

10 toes out of 10
Review Showcase
I've been a fan of Australia for a long time. I was concerned to learn it was in trouble, but thankfully, I was able to lend a hand with this game. I was gifted this game from a very very good friend who honestly spent way too much on me with his kindness, but he did not waste a cent. This game is beyond incredible. It's fair to say that this game has truly made me weap tears of joy as the soothing digeridoo tones filled my soul while solving puzzles of Kim. K. in various lines of undress. Yes this game only stars one girl, but man is she great. She has this one scar on her side that is easy to relate to as a character and I think speaks volumes for creative character engagement. Her koala sidekick is cute, yet I found his mechanics to be quite frustrating compared to Kim's. He is clearly the hardcore mode, and I'm just not a dark souls kinda gamer.

So let's get this straight first and foremost, this game has immense depth. There's no getting around that. There is 15 puzzles. However, to get the most out of this game (and you wont regret it) you must complete 3000+ puzzles. If you truly cared about Australia, you'd find this to be no task at all. And you do love Australia don't you? I certainly do. But there's is one thing I think the Dev should add in the next massive patch. I think a Battle Royale mode would go very far in helping promote the struggles of Australia. They are still recovering from the recent Antarctica War and they need all the help they can get. That's why you should buy this game, and also use their Raid Shadow Legends code to support them in their endeavors. I desperately want to see a Hentai Saves Australia 2 in the future.
moob Jul 9, 2023 @ 5:52pm 
concealed carry beama Jul 9, 2023 @ 5:51pm 
+rep GOAT
32 Jul 6, 2023 @ 9:30pm 
Absolute Unit for your perk choices, sorry I couldn't save
weon kennedy uwu Jul 3, 2023 @ 6:06pm 
i love you
olookitsdatboi.TTV Jul 16, 2022 @ 2:34pm 
My man just make your profile private.
HohibooYT May 30, 2022 @ 12:36am 
+Rep Beautiful soul