5 people found this review helpful
1.6 hrs last two weeks / 112.0 hrs on record (51.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 26, 2020 @ 12:26am
Updated: Nov 26, 2020 @ 12:29am

“Hades”, single-player, character-focused family drama. Like many great stories, its premise is simple. You are Zagreus, prince of the underworld, and for reasons yet to be discovered, he wants to leave his literal hell of a home. Hades, the temperamental father of “Zag,” is determined to impede his son’s escape by setting up a series of security checkpoints, that being said It's the first time I have ever played rogue-like genre, which means the player is expect to die over and over again, But it’s in death that the game’s narrative begins to sing.
This game has found the secret to (almost) eternal storytelling: a play loop that repeats itself, but dialogue that doesn’t. Interesting things happen all the time, in conversations and chance encounters as well as in battles, and no matter how long I spend with Hades I feel like I am only just getting acquainted with it.

The best part about the game is music, When I first met Eurydice, I genuinely just stood there listening to her sing for a very long while. It's beautiful, nostalgic and sad. This game is so good, the NPC really feel like people and I care about them. It's an endless odyssey.

if someone reading this is on the fence about buying it, I warmly recommend it.

P.S. Gonna have to try other games from Supergiant Games.
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