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Verfasst: 5. Apr. 2022 um 18:49
Aktualisiert: 5. Apr. 2022 um 20:19

  • Morlan's shorts:
Seemed (good) silly at first, gave it a shot.. it only deserves to be shot (the game). It's crap..
Keep mouse button clicked and move up continuously. Wreck your mouse for nothing. This is what's wrong with steam and achievements at this point. None would touch this if it wasn't for the pointless achievements. Nothing is fun about the gameplay. Just put sword to minimum length and watch the "coronation". Has a few funny moments happening in the background.
NOp, even as free..
First free game I refunded.
(Oh.. and I couldn't even go "online" to see what that fuss is all about. Button was grey and couldn't connect)

Don't waste more time reading lengthy reviews.. time is of the essence!
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