"The llama (/ˈlɑ:mə/; Spanish: [ˈʝama] locally: [ˈʎama] or [ˈʒama]) (Lama glama) is a feral South American camelid, widely used as a war mount by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era. They are very antisocial animals, but hunt with other llamas as a herd. Llamas are extremely difficult to handle when mature, as they will begin to treat humans as they treat each other, which is characterized by bouts of spitting, kicking and shooting."
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Elite Killers Suomi
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21 Hours played
1. Tell your friends about the game. Nobody is interested.
2. Argue why everyone should buy it. Everyone disagrees.
3. After a long persuasion, everyone reluctantly agrees to buy the game.
4. Start the game and play together for couple of hours. Be unable to continue. Your friends continue anyway.
5. Come back after couple of days. The village has been built and the first two bosses has been slain.
6. Follow your friends as they manically introduce all their new gear and weapons. Fake laugh alongside your friends. Play couple hours and tell them you will have more time to play in weekend. Disconnect from the server.
7. Come back again in Friday. Check your friends' steam profiles. See that they have played Valheim for over 100 hours during the last week.
8. Enter the server. The whole kingdom with taverns, castles and stonewalls has been built. Only the final boss is remaining to be slain. Admire your friends new attire; glimmering swords and golden capes. Listen to your friends when they guide you to how to skip the entire game to get the best gear available. Find your personal corner with your bed and crappy gear turned to a storage room. The only house you previously built is used as a pen for breeding boars. Fake laugh again alongside your friends.
9. Follow your friends as they leave the base to gather materials. Encounter the first low level mob that kills you due to your low level and poor gear. Resurrect and spin around the base without any purpose for couple hours. Quit the game when your friends are still on their voyage.
10. Next morning check your WhatsApp where your friends boast on the group chat how they have slayed the final boss and finished the game. Nobody is interested to play it anymore. Uninstall the game for good.
5/5 great experience.
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18.2 hrs on record
last played on May 27
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last played on May 19
808 hrs on record
last played on May 19
Spruce Moose Nov 7, 2021 @ 3:27am 
Hei ihan oikeesti mä nään et sä oot onlinessa! Vastaa mun viesteihin
ムBAJIEHTNHム Aug 22, 2021 @ 1:55pm 
Sin trypa
2rsvold Aug 16, 2021 @ 11:30am 
+rep gg nt
fenQ Jul 24, 2021 @ 6:57pm 
#käteenveturi #l2pnyyppä #meollaanjoeellä
Spruce Moose Jul 1, 2021 @ 10:52pm 
I'm proud of you, my young padawan.
- Best regards: Your sensei
Krzemo Jun 30, 2021 @ 3:43am 
♥♥♥♥ u ♥♥♥♥ more luck than skill