Jaz | Megacherv
Jasmine Czerwik   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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A Mole of Iron 3 mar. 2015 às 9:13 
Hey there. It's Kollega, if you remember me. Sorry for dropping out of sight for a few years, but I just remembered that we used to be friends, and thought to write to you. I'm looking for a decent programmer, and I think you were studying for that - any chance you could help?
A Mole of Iron 17 dez. 2010 às 20:08 
Hey there, Reeco. Lombaxes are awesome, aren't they? I'll just leave that here as a testament to their awesomeness, mmkay? :{P
Nickeass 17 dez. 2010 às 5:51 
Herp'a derp