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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Posted March 23.
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1 person found this review helpful
36.5 hrs on record (11.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
由上班族到 所有事情都要兼顧的小店老闆 (進貨/看店/清潔)
再到供應鍵齊全的企業老闆 最後變成地產大亨的遊戲
(購買當天直接花了十個小時 XD)

1.遊玩方法簡單直接 裝潢方式簡單 不需要太花神
2.企業種類多 玩法多元 不容易膩
3.幫助系統(F1)做得不錯 要知道相關事項可以直接點下去 不用再慢慢找

1.故事模式一直跟著主線任務跑 容易跑太快 資金跟不上去
任務目標也容易擋著缺貨提示 (尤其是供應鏈那任務 直接一整版目標)

每個店鋪也有它的客流量上限 如要達到最高客流量 貨架必須充足
如果新增一個品項而貨架買不夠的話 它是會直接拖垮整間店舖的客流量

比如說建築上限有30客流量 其他所有設施都弄好到上限
想說試試加入cupcake品項 就買了一個麵包櫃 但一個麵包櫃只有提供10客流量
結果到客人數直接被砍1/3 沒留意的話就天天虧錢也不知道
Posted March 17, 2023.
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56.5 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

隨機性很高 每次的體驗也不一樣
只是走路有點慢 令單場遊戲時長較長 尤其當遇上一些不愛顯現的鬼 證據找全要花更多時間

即使是恐佈遊戲苦手 和朋友一起玩的話也可以好好享受
所以十分適合拉上三五知己一起玩 一起被嚇 XD
Posted October 3, 2020. Last edited October 6, 2020.
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1.5 hrs on record
這本來是一個很有潛質的遊戲 很可惜一系列的問題導致這遊戲漸漸步向死亡

這問題在首腦方尤其明顯 與Beta不同
在正式版內 新手不是用相較強勢的 Daniel
在這殺屍加時間的玩法下 遇上一兩個懂玩的人根本是送時間 (優勢)
在牌組低耗能的情況下 牌組內竟然會搭一張減少耗能的牌 (耗能為1的牌 減少耗能後仍為1)
意味着新手要先受苦十場或以上 才會開始感受到樂趣

由剛開始4000人在線到這幾天不足2000人 其實是可預見的
首先 因為這不是獨立發售的遊戲 玩家基數全靠RE3本體
而有興趣遊玩的人 卻因為各種機制設計不周的原因而被勸退
在線玩家少 -> 排隊時間久+新手被虐 -> 玩家出逃 ->在線玩家更少

連線全靠首腦房主 房主爛線的情況下 倖存者體驗會大打折扣


官方第一次的更新內容將在4月17日公佈 而更新內容卻只有一個人物 還要是已經於本體存在的Jill
月更其實可以 但內容實在太少了 而且是用基本上已經做好的人物 略欠誠意

要改變現況 首當直衝必須獨立上架 增加玩家基數
雖然成效成疑 但亦總好過什麼也不做
遇上官方各種騒操作 真的可惜了一款好遊戲

利申:目前已退款 假若獨立上架會看情況考慮重新購入
Posted April 14, 2020. Last edited April 14, 2020.
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9 people found this review helpful
5 people found this review funny
19.1 hrs on record
1 Deceive your Friends
2 Kill your Friends
3 Get harted by your Friends

Nominated for "Friendship Destroyer" Award.
Posted November 26, 2016.
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310 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
248.6 hrs on record (215.5 hrs at review time)
Updated at 9/1/2015, Status update
Appearently I have written too much, please click HERE[puu.sh] or HERE(doc)[puu.sh] for the full review

There is a summary at the end if you are too busy to see through the whole review.
And just a kindly reminder, there is no R-35 in the game yet.

Patch released at 7th
+ Car fix
+ Better connection

- No fix on AI
- Faction War still meaningless
- Still no rear mirror
- Little more bugs

Better than before but not enough

Hate to say it, but if you are not a big fan of a free-roam racing game, don't buy it at this moment
Although I am not recommending this game, this doesn't mean I don't like this game, as you see I have thrown more than 100 hours in it

The Crew was a good game for people to driving around the states, it still is, but with tons of flaws atm.
Still, I should start on the good things first as some of you may still interested in the game.

At first, It has a biggest map for a racing game I ever saw, even I have spent more then 100 hours in the game, I still have about 1/4 to 1/5 of the map is undiscovered.
If you only drive to explorer the map and not doing missions, it should take you at least 12 hours, as you can drive 3-4 hours in a starting car just driving a lap of the border.

The game also provide various terrain and environment, with landmarks for players to enjoy and explorer freely.
In some of the story mission, it will even provide some environment effect like fireworks or plane flying over your head which is quite stunning when you see it first time.

There are 5 specs for cars: Street, Dirt, Perf, Raid, Circuit
For Street, Dirt and Perf, there are parts to let you to customize the cars, like front bumper, hood, rear wing, etc.
Just be aware not all the car has all 5 spec.
The interior of the cars are quite detail and you are able to customize the color of it in most of the cars.

There are also different activity like skill challenge or limited period mission that may keep you playing.

Bad things
First of all, lack of cars, there are only 40+5(wreck) cars if you are not buying the season pass, also, there are no Audi, Toyota, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Honda, Hyundai, Vovle and more.
And for each brands there are only 1-2 cars.

The handling are not realistic like GT series, it is acceptable but you may feel strange for the first few hours.

The things that can be driving through are also uncertain, you can drive through some fences in cities, and bounce off with others.

There are no technical tuning in this game, like suspension modification, angle of tires, etc.
The only thing you get is upgrading the equipment directly.

There is no rear mirror view when you are in interior mode

The mechanism of automatic transmission is flawed (Details in Full review)

The difficulty of this game is very hard in different aspect and it is not adjustable.
First, the Rival AI's car can be insanely fast, they will not slow down by environment unless crash.
For some casual driver with the staring cars, it is very hard for them to catch up.
And with the auto catch-up system, even if you are good at driving and lead the whole race, you make one mistake and you will be overtake then lose.

You can invite other players to the mission to try to decrease the difficulty
But the problem is you will need to wait for the game to connect to a random session before you can invite players you don't know
And with a maximum 8 people session, there is very hard to find one who actually willing to play with you

About the police chase, first, the police is as fast as rival AI's car in missions.
They have a circle radar around them instead of a cone vision which should be able to block by buildings
The police heli can see through the tunnels
Most ridiculously is that if you go too far from the police cars, the police car can spawn anywhere near you, and sometime in front of you
This make you need to maintain an approximate distance that their radar cannot catch you but no police car will spawn
To escape it should be always as fast as possible, I don't know why they need to make this system so counterintuitive

There is some perk in the game which can actually increase the handling, acceleration, speed, etc. in the game
Which mean even with a same car, a LV50 player still have a big advantage compare to a LV1 player, if the LV1 player haven’t bought any perk points using credit which can be obtain by paying real money.

Car level nearly mean everything, especially when doing story missions with others.
With my 1200 lv cars, I always outrun the guy who invited me to the coop mission in his/her first time attempt.
In my experience, the higher lv car you have, the higher position you will get in PVP.
And to get a car over 1000lv, you will first have to reach 50 lv at your character
Which mean you will have a big disadvantage before you reach 50 lv

In this game there is a faction war system but meaningless

The stability of the session can be very unstable
When you are in a crew, you select a mission and invite you crewmate, you can end up with your crew member playing the mission themselves and you get a forever loading screen
Similar things happen when you select public PVP lobby, you will be the only one who get into the lobby and your crewmate will continue finding a lobby.
Sometimes you crew member will not appear in your screen even when you are beside of him/her.

PVP sessions also contain connection problems
Sometimes when other player in your session have a unstable connection, the game will pause for 5 seconds
when the player have a really bad connection, you game can have more than 10 times pauses, which is extremely annoying
sometimes you can also getting left behind at the starting line when people already racing in front of you with about a hundred yards away

This is a nice racing game, and for some people it is still a masterpiece
but it is also nearly the worst racing online game ever, don't even know why they make the MMO feature as a selling point
The slogan of this game is "Never Drive Alone", but for me it is like "Never Drive Alone If You Want To Suffer"

Huge map for exploration
Many customization for some cars in some spec
Detail and customizable interior
Beautiful and various environment
Environment effects in story missions
Different activities that keep you playing

Lack of cars
No technical tuning
Handling/Physics are not realistic
Flaws in automatic transmission
No rear mirror
Difficulty is overall high and not adjustable
AI cars will not slow down by environment
Maximum 8 people session make players hard to crew up
Police chasing system is stupid and annoying
Perk system can provide unbalanced advantages
LV of cars nearly mean everything
Faction War system is totally unfair
Forced online with the server is unstable
Game statistics can be messed up by the game/server
Unstable connection among friends/crew member and to the sessions
PVP connection problem
Bad avatar system
Various Bugs

Too much uncertainty on the road

Recommend to buy it if you
Love free rome style racing game
Have friends to play together and can tolerate to any possible fail from the server
Love customize your cars and show off

Not Recommend to buy it if you
Cares more about realism of racing
Are a casual driver and consider this game as a single player racing game
Don't want to use tons of times to climb the ladder (Cars LV, PVP, Faction)
Want to drive cars that doesn't exist in the game (find the list on the internet)
Want to race on 1:1 scale circuit
Have a bad connection
Posted December 14, 2014. Last edited January 9, 2015.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries