Heelys God
Martin Rios   Niger, Nigeria
I once traded a Half Zatoichi for an AWPer HAnd :spycon:
You can catch flies with honey but you can catch more honeys being fly
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Spy couldn't take it anymore...
My Lyfe
Well my name is Martin "Mertins" Rios Madriz III, I'm a species not a gender I have a cat that I can't say his name, I would consider myself an avid PC gamer even though I used to be a noob in SMITE because I didn't know you could purchase items when I say I'm a Heelys God I mean it I own like 6 pairs of Heelys and like 8 sets of different types of wheels I'm also a Sketchers Duke owning two pairs of Sketchers One being those mattress shoes that in the commercial it was a weird pillow saying "Hi kids wanna feel me in your shoes all day? Then you should wear these" or that's what I think he said. I own light up Sketchers but they don't happen to fit me or work my dream in the future is to be an engineer, phycisist and if either of those fail I'll pitch my idea of light up Heelys so like every kid won't die a virgin and knows what the good roar of a "cat" sounds like we are getting WAY off task here as I was saying I'm 14 I can be really cool but like I'm aggresive so like don't touch my hair or anything I will not be afraid to punch you in male genitals area or girls chest area. As you can see I don't cuss as much as I used to I was really annoying back then. My feet don't smell ever it just smells like dust which makes me sniffle or tear up. I like girls I mean I like A LOT of girls I'm a real casanova if that's what you'd like to say I know like 16 year olds or like some kind of youtube critic is laughing or judging this but I really don't care it'll probably get me famous. I'm really friendly... I just noticed this sounds more like I'm signing up for like E-Harmony as I wrote that I put E= which reminded me of like E=mc2 (I can't do little 2's sorry) anyways this got off topic real fast this isn't even my lyfe anymore it's just my randomness well I should go I probably wasted your time upon reading this. God bye not goodbye god bye as in god because I'm a god welp god and good bye fellow peeps/gamers/noobs/trollers/hackers/etc.
megan May 22, 2016 @ 3:25pm 
right ctrl*
megan May 22, 2016 @ 3:24pm 
for a ² hold left ctrl and on the keypad type 0178
Heelys God Nov 19, 2014 @ 3:02pm 
Joel the inbetweener Nov 18, 2014 @ 1:49pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ balls in a ♥♥♥♥ ass
Heelys God Nov 11, 2014 @ 3:51pm 
shut up flaggit
GoddessofCheese Oct 15, 2014 @ 8:00pm 
lol who invited this guy