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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 42.9 hrs on record
Posted: Jan 21, 2021 @ 8:33am

I've played with it for 43 hours, and my only problem is that since I've collected all achievements and explored everything that the game has to offer, it doesn't really have a lot of replay value, even in New Game+ mode. I imagine it could only get better if a new set of collectibles with new puzzles in new areas would open up when replaying it, then I'd definitely have a go at it. I normally play most games with cheats, but (at least in story mode) you feel powerful enough, and are actually powerful enough that they're neither needed nor warranted. Progression is linear but with a lot of side activities to be done, so you never feel like you're forced into one type of an activity or the other, and can clearly choose whenever you want to progress with the story or just go hunting for collectibles and/or achievements. You can also disable QTE, which makes fights (and flights) easier, more fun and actually possible to do with mouse+keyboard setup, I absolutely hate QTE in Shadow of Mordor/War and both South Park games, but here it's just a click and the pain is gone, you instead get some cutscene-looking animations in the middle of fights. There are some minor bugs, especially with terrain collision, but that's the bane of most Unreal Engine games, and they've done a very good job of patching out the game/progression breaking ones, so they're at most at the level of a minor nuisance once in a while.
In conclusion: best game I've played in a long time, and I imagine it will stay like that for a good while. Worth every single penny (eurocent, but whatever). This should be the role model for the games to come in this decade.
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