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Скорошни рецензии на Depressing Drawers

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1.3 изиграни часа
Fantastic game, really excellent and worth your time if you like puzzles.
Публикувана 22 юли.
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7.3 изиграни часа
This is a decent game, but there are some caveats- Fundamentally, this game is less of a detective game and more of a key hunt. Still, I liked the atmosphere a lot, the story was good and I liked the ending. Although I think that there are aspects of the game that are a bit rough (nobody will be seated during the thrilling sequence where you search the towns drains one by one!) and the game does start to wear out its welcome toward the 5 hour mark simply because there's very little variety in the game play.

Recommended when discounted.
Публикувана 23 юни.
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4.0 изиграни часа (1.9 часа по време на рецензията)
This game has rough graphics, bad sound design, bad pacing, poor game play, bugs and overall is an amateur effort. So why don't I hate it? The story is supremely stupid and the acting is fair to middling, but its one of those games where, in my humble opinion, you can get some laughs out of it. It's extremely short and I imagine you could speed run it in less than 20 minutes but I can't bring myself to hate or even dislike it really. Its quaint and earnest, almost rustic.

It never reaches anywhere near its potential, but if you squint you might just catch the odd glimpse of what it wanted to be here and there.

To be honest, don't buy this game. But if like me you like the absurd, amateur and earnest....well, its only the price of a coffee.
Публикувана 12 юни 2023.
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139.9 изиграни часа (101.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Chimeraland is a confusing, messy, obtuse, inscrutable, janky and fairly pointless experience. I love it.
Публикувана 14 октомври 2022.
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9 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
2 души намериха тази рецензия за забавна
9.8 изиграни часа (3.2 часа по време на рецензията)
This game sucks, its awful. I was a big fan of Postal 2 but this is just a terrible game. The world is big yes, but also empty and lacklustre. The graphics are plain which is forgivable but the loading zones in the year of our lord 2022 are totally unacceptable. The gun-play and melee combat is absolute garbage with neither feeling exciting or impactful, both feel like you're barely interacting with the world. The game is just not fun and probably the worst disappointment since DNF.

1/10, avoid.
Публикувана 24 юли 2022.
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41.8 изиграни часа (17.8 часа по време на рецензията)
If you've got a high tolerance for the usual cash shop tactics and a big time grindfest, you can do a lot worse than Let It Die. The presentation is fantastic, the music is great and the moment to moment gameplay is good fun. If you treat it like a free to pay mmorpg, theres a lot to enjoy here. Just be ready for the grind.

I like it a lot.
Публикувана 28 февруари 2021.
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7.4 изиграни часа (7.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Decent enough game for fans of word puzzles - Be warned, many of the categories the puzzles fall under are far too broad, and some of the words under that category can be a bit of a stretch, which adds frustration which is unnecessary in some instances. I do think it is a worthwhile game and good value.
Публикувана 16 ноември 2020.
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21.5 изиграни часа (12.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Simple, elegant, hypnotic and compelling. A future classic.

Expect to see this adorn most peoples lists of "Most harmful addictive substances of 2020", sandwiched between meth and crack.

This game is destroying my life.
Публикувана 13 юни 2020.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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85.5 изиграни часа (48.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Look, this game is the definition of euro jank rpg. That is what makes it an amazing game. If you like games where you can abuse the hell out of the vanilla mechanics and become completely overpowered before the quarter point of the game, you will love this game. Ignore the story, abuse the mechanics and just enjoy it. Looks like my inlaws.
Публикувана 11 февруари 2020.
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4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
3.1 изиграни часа
This is not an action packed, high octane romp of an adventure. What it is however is a believable simulation where, yes, you are detecting signals from outer space. Nice atmosphere and an unique setting, if you can enjoy a slower, more esoteric simulation and are able to power through the initial steep learning curve I think you'll find a lot to enjoy here. There's buttons to push, dials to turn, coffee to drink and servers to maintain - And it all fits very well into the experience.

I also find it a bit spooky, but whether that's just in my head I don't know. But why would you be able to lock the doors if there wasn't a reason to do so? What's that thing I can see in the sky sometimes?

I like it a lot.

Публикувана 6 юли 2019.
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