5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 66.1 hrs on record (49.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 15, 2017 @ 3:22pm
Updated: Dec 15, 2017 @ 9:01pm

I didn't like the game for what it was when it came out back in 2007, but I'm having lots of fun with it now. Fast-pased FPS gameplay coupled with an ARPG-style loot system offer much joy even in single player, more so in a team. The environment lacks the diversity in this first installment of the series, however, all these wastelands and scrapyards are so neatly designed it makes them still look good. Not a huge variety of enemies either, but you do need different tactics for different types of them... well, either this or a really powerful gun capable of solving all your problems at once :) The plot ending in a huge cliffhanger (at least the main campaign, still have two DLCs to go excluding the arena-based one I'm not so excited about) is rather simple and bland, but quests description and occasional dialogues (or, rather, monologues posed by NPCs before our hero of choice who's mostly silent) are quite fun and generally well-written. The game rarely takes itself seriously but in a good way, you'll find tons of references at every step - Mad Max and Fallout ones as the most obvious, but you'll also come across some pointing to Diablo and other games, various books, films/TV series, historical events and characters, there's even a place for an occasional 4th wall breaking and mocking over the genre's cliches. That's probably the best part of this game for me that really keeps you captivated and looking forward to what else you may discover, although it will probably lose a good bit of its polish in the following playthroughs. Still, a very decent FPS/RPG game that plays good even after its sequels
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BlackWiz Dec 17, 2017 @ 1:03am 
Твоя правда, не подумал. Так или иначе, больше ни в одной игре жанра это не использовали почему-то. Даже в полноценных рпг не припомню (максимум у аццких артефактов где-то в описании упоминается, кто сковал)
Colonel Belyakov Dec 15, 2017 @ 11:07pm 
Хотя идея с компаниями-производителями однозначно отличная и для фентезийных АРПГ, увы, неприменимая

Почему нет? Цеха и гильдии вполне себе средневековые явления.
BlackWiz Dec 15, 2017 @ 3:52pm 
В этом есть доля правды, но он все-таки шутан больше. Даже не беря в расчет номинальную прокачку без ярко выраженных возможностей для (полезных) билдов - моей эстетской душонке еще не хватает лутанья красивой броньки, на одних стволах и щитах интерес далеко не увезешь. Хотя идея с компаниями-производителями однозначно отличная и для фентезийных АРПГ, увы, неприменимая
Colonel Belyakov Dec 15, 2017 @ 3:46pm 
На самом деле, Borderlands больше всего напоминает Diablo. Собственно таким и должен был быть Diablo IIб ну или хотя бы Diablo III, а не то, что мы получили.