Jason Doucette
Jason Doucette   Seattle, Washington, United States
CTO of Xona Games Inc.

Decimation X (XBLIG)
Decimation X2 (WP7)
Decimation X3 (XBLIG)
Score Rush (XBLIG)
Score Rush Turbulenz
Score Rush Extended (PS4)
Duality ZF (prototype)

I have programmed and invented computer graphics technology since 7 years of age. I have programmed chess engines, GUI systems, physics engines, utilities, and simulations. I have had two world records in number theory. I wrote the errata for Charles Petzold's Win32 programming bible. I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under 15 seconds.

Xona Games [xona.com]
Currently Offline
NZEC Oct 1, 2019 @ 10:01am 
Jason Doucette Sep 27, 2019 @ 10:52pm 
Oh wow, really? Is there a record of this?
NZEC Jan 29, 2019 @ 1:31am 
Palindromes are fun! An Indian Lecture mentioned your page on the case of 196.
NZEC Jan 29, 2019 @ 1:26am 
<3 Really helpful mathematics page! Thanks!