3 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.1 hrs last two weeks / 438.6 hrs on record (417.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 11 @ 7:57am
Updated: Jan 11 @ 7:59am

Grinding to get that gear/frame so you can grind more efficiently.
Sure, you could just play for funsies, but it probably would only be good in short bursts.

Everything is locked behind some kind of gate...
lootgate (which is fine),
or paygate (somewhat fine),
and/or timegate (-_-).

Meanwhile, everything is designed to give off a feeling of FOMO... including their weekly streams on Twitch for Twitch drops.

Can't fault them too much as a business, as it's working for them; from this player's perspective, however, I wouldn't say the time investment is worth it.

There's not much there.

Try it if you want; just know when to quit.

(I pop in every now and then bc FOMO, but I don't really play it for reals anymore... not really.)
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