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Recent reviews by janerowdy

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88 people found this review helpful
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4.9 hrs on record
A friend and I each played and our games were so completely different. We discussed it and ended up talking for hours. I should have stopped and studied, but I didn't. I should stop and study now, but I'm going for a second playthough instead.
Posted October 4, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
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11.0 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
I lauged my ass off so much I accidentally farted. I'm a grown man, I should not be doing that.
Also, it's got Patrick Warburton.
If you like Borderlands 2 you'll like this.
If I'm wrong and you don't like, just don't buy any snack food for a week or two and you've recouped the cost.
I highly recommend Tales from the Borderlands.
Posted November 26, 2014.
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462.0 hrs on record (210.5 hrs at review time)
If you are playing a FPS that is not either Planetside 2 or Unreal Tournament (1999), then you are wrong; objectively so. Let's suppose that you like Call of Duty or Battlefield, or other modern military shooters, then imagine literally hundreds of PLAYERS in three factions each in one massive fight.
Planetside 2 has everything you could want - Tanks, planes, Snipers that can turn invisible, ATVs with grenade launchers, orbital drop pods, jet packing around with a full auto-shotgun like some kind of space-badass, oh and wearing a power-armor suit with chainguns strapped on each arm... just to name a few items.

Of course you probably have seen all this information, and as mentioned earlier, there is one better FPS. It's Unreal Tournament, but there's like 30 people that still play UT, AND Planetside 2 IS FREE, FREE!

So hop on the Connery server, join the Terran Republic, and help us achieve victory!
Posted February 15, 2014.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries