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2,866.6 hrs on record (2,857.7 hrs at review time)
fun and hard to master
Posted October 9, 2021.
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11.5 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
good game fun and challenging :)
Posted November 7, 2020.
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52.8 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Great high-speed combat MOBA with a high skill ceiling.
If that sounds good give it a shot, its free.

Buuut... there are some major balance issues atm.
Since there is not a pick ban system or anything close to that, you might get stuck in a game where its pretty unlikely for you to win because nobody will play critical roles or your team is outdrafted from the start.
There is also only really one game mode and three maps. The hero pool gives a lot of depth but there is some lack of core-gameplay as well.
Lots of potental but falls kind of short.
Posted August 16, 2017. Last edited August 17, 2017.
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2.4 hrs on record
Played a few hours of the game, and honestly I would not recommend this game for anymore.

The core gameplay at its base (an idea) is quite original and interesting, with the idea that reaction time and smart knowledge of combos will be what makes you a good play combines both melee combat and a fighting game feel... But the actual gameplay is lack luster at best. If you want to hack and slash, this might be the game for you.

The actual gameplay really consists of the fast classes absolutely decimating almost everything in the game. As a counter-play class you can block and parry all you want... buuut to get a good hit in the other player has to let you guard block them. Otherwise your swings are just not fast enough to do any real work and they will hit you before you get to hit them. As a class with a slight range advantage, you just cannot stay at range long enough to get more then one swing in, and then rolling out of their way is useless as they will just roll into you.

Don't even get me started on spawns and how easy it is to guard block someone or charge them off the map. That's just another problem in the gameplay again.
Its lack luster at best, and without huge balance changes in the core gameplay (not likely for release, the game is out in a week) its fundamentally broken.

And that's just the gameplay! Lets list off some other huge problems fast so this review isn't too long.

- There are three pvp game modes
- TONS of microtransactions
- Subscription service with huge benefits
- Items give a bonus to your stats
- No dedicated servers P2P
- Host based, so gameplay is stopped regularly
- Good gear with speed = last player will never die or delay in dominion
- DRM with tons of bad ♥♥♥♥
- $60

Not worth your money at all, a must avoid until they fix the balance system.
Posted February 9, 2017.
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