Matt   Los Angeles, California, United States


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Keir Sep 19, 2020 @ 6:05am 
40 Commando, Royal Marines
Basic Information
If the following bullet points peak your interest about this unit then I highly recommend you keep reading.
Unit is based on 40 Commando, Royal Marines
First Person Only
Operations every Saturday at 7:00pm UK time
Use of real British Army tactics & procedures
Open to both experienced and new players
Radio Communications are provided by TFAR and TS3
Part of a larger battlegroup
20+ active players

Who are we?
40 Commando are the Royal Navy’s amphibious specialists and are capable of operating in and around littoral environments. In addition to this we also perform a light infantry role. This means that we effectively can work near the coast or further in-land.
Keir Sep 19, 2020 @ 6:04am 
What is Milsim?
Many units define milsim differently, the following is our definition of milsim.
At 40 Commando we ask that all of our members show professionalism and respect during our missions and official events. This includes showing the befitting respect to your commanders and officials. We aren’t looking for roleplay or for you to call someone sir, all we ask is that you act professionally.

If you have come this far then I assume you are at least slightly interested. We are looking for new people who are switched on and ready to help our unit grow. If you think that 40 Commando might be the place for you then I highly recommend you check out our website.

Additional information:
Have a Working Microphone
Able to understand and speak basic english
Have a original copy of Arma 3
We DON’T require any DLC’s
We DON’T require you to have any previous experience (any Skill level welcome)
Keir Sep 19, 2020 @ 6:04am 
Community made mini ops throughout the week 19:00 UK (14:00 EST)
Wednesday Trainings 19:00 GMT+1 (14:00 EST)
Saturday Campaign 19:00 GMT+1 (14:00 EST)

TEAMSPEAK: ts.strategiccommand.uk
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kUW4PmX
Or add me on Discord N.Stone#0132
TacticalBacon May 9, 2020 @ 8:57am 
K. K. May 8, 2020 @ 11:20am 
Oui oui american tea baguette
the rhumbus Dec 27, 2018 @ 4:34pm 
501st w h e n