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Recente recensies door highwayman

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15.4 uur in totaal (2.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's a refreshing mix of beautifully balanced mechanics, packed into a good bunch of ideas and furnished with a beautiful atmoshpere and visuals.

In true CA fashion its completely unlike their previous games, well, mostly. So be aware when you buy this.
It's a game largely about resource management, be aware when you buy this.

However, combat in this game doesn't come too short, if you manage your resources right it's a very flowing mix of melee and potshots to thin out clusters of enemies and put spaces between them that allow you to swing your weapon while giving yourself enough room (and stamina!) to dodge.

The infection is a very unique and a very interesting mechanic. Unlike getting weaker when your end is near, you actually spike in power, since the mutations make you a lot stronger or more specialized. I might have had bad luck or might have used too much time in the levels (likely option), but I didn't come across enough antivirals to stave it off.

The weakest part of the game is scavenging, unfortunately. You need to face check locations that look like they might be searchable (which is somewhat easy since most environments are 'barren' for the lack of a better word and anything that looks like its of interest, most of the time also is) and then press 'e' where it lets you. A lot of the times the stuff you find is kind of uninteresting... you get a lot of very few crafting materials and only few of some rare ones, it makes crafting also less interesting - since a lot of the time you dont have to choose between two items, since a lot of the items you cant craft since you havent found the uncommon resource specific to it. It would be more fun if you got fewer, but more varied resources - so you technically can craft everything, but crafting one item would mean you cant craft another instead of, well i guess i'll make all the healing remedies i can.

The strongest point of the game is the feel. Dodging and Attacking flow well, especially ranged into melee and back and the sounds and visuals of this game are a masterwork. Impacts feel crunchy, reloads sound clacky and subtle sounds like a blade cracking under use are very emphasized. This should be expanded on, its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing.

All in all, if you like roguelites and dont mind some heavier long and short term resource management and just a bit less 'upgrades' kinda stuff then you wont regret buying this game.
Geplaatst 17 november 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 17 november 2021.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
9.8 uur in totaal
Geplaatst 12 november 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 30 april 2019.
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118.8 uur in totaal (71.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game has been one of my favourites for a long time and for a good reason.

It's amazing.

Not a roguelike even though the tags say it is, it's actually a hardcore top-down bullethell fast paced twin stick and mostly roguelite shooter.

The gameplay is exceptional. Movement feels responsive and shooting is satisfying with pleasant sounds, adjustable screenshake and also changeable freezeframes on major hits with big guns, corpses of killed enemies flying around, hitting other enemies.

You'll be playing as one of 12 characters, that all have at least one unique and original passive and active ability, the characters themself have little backstory which is often just explained by a short loading screen message between the levels.

The game gets harder the further you progress into the levels, you'll gain power in form of better guns and mutations. The guns range from revolvers and shotguns, to double miniguns and super plasma cannons, some guns are mostly useless, some are just amazing but almost all of them are viable weaponry on their difficulties.
Mutations are the second form of in game progression, you'll get 10 mutations which are earned by getting levels through collecting rads, that are dropped from enemies. Mutations are largely useful and interesting. They do not give flat bonuses to stats but are more like abilities, for example one mutation allows you to destroy a set number of walls by walking into them, effectively creating a somewhat safe space for cover, another mutation will be unique for every mutant, generally upgrading their active skill.

If it's on sale or you are only remotely interested, get it. You won't regret it. It's one of these indie gems that are surprisingly hidden.
Geplaatst 4 augustus 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 1 december 2017.
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