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Ulasan terkini oleh Betty Swollocks

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Thoroughly enjoyed the DLC. Personally found it one of the most enjoyable Race Packs introduced. While the mechanics aren't 'new' in the sense that they have been used in previous factions i.e. slaves from the Dark Elves, Convoys off the Cathayan caravans, unit caps from the Tomb Kings, etc - they have been blended together tremendously in a way that synchronises incredibly well and in engaging a lore-friendly way. The assets, art and units and voice acting is incredible and they have done a fantastic job of mixing the older 90's aesthetic of classic 'big-hat' Chorfs with the grittier Forge World elite and war-machine range. While I agree that the price rise has been egregious to many I believe the quality of the campaign has made it worthwhile. While the reduction to 3 Legendary Lords from 4 has been a contentious issue in this DLC I believe the three LLs on offer here are very well developed and each have strong campaigns in their own right as opposed to past releases (looking at you, Aranessa / Khalida) and Gorduz Backstabber is an invaluable addition to give you an edge in early campaign. (He's no Ariel, mind you and can drop off slightly in use towards the late game)
Despite the many bugs that have sprung up out of the latest patch which can undoubtedly cause massive frustration and alarming glitches I still find myself coming back to it and it is so far been the longest campaign I have continued without fizzling out from boredom or loss of momentum, which is more than I can say for the other campaigns.
Diposting pada 24 April 2023.
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Tercatat 3,027.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 2,244.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Very cool and nice.
Diposting pada 29 Desember 2019.
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