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After ~ a decade abstinence and sick of teh two big FPS shooter franchises these days I gave Q3 a go again,
as I remembered the fun I had with it at LAN-partys during the early 00's.

Well, the gameplay is faster than i remembered - You spawn, you get thrown into the fight, you die.
The learning curve is pretty flat if you are new to the game, or were gone for a long time just like me.
You have to learn the maps and item spawn points (again). You have to train your aiming and foresight.
You have to train gameplay mechanics such as strafe- , circle- and rocketjumps to be fast and agile on the map.
I still do train with bots, because I am pretty sure I still can't compete with real people.

Maybe this is a downer for new players: If you do not train, you get your ass beaten up pretty hard.
And if you do, you still get yourself beaten up for a long time, even with bots.
But this is rewarding at the same time. Once you get better you feel like you actually achieved something.

But I have one big problem: Almost every server shown by the ingame server browser is empty. Once the bots are no real threat anymore, you have to have friends playing it too. No possibility to join a random server in QuakeLive at least for me. Any useful advice on this is much appreciated.

From what I read in the forums the veterans are pissed due to the steam-only conversion.
As I did not play Quake Live actively before this, I don't care that much. I guess it's the same for new
players, too.
To me it was worth the 10€ and I can recommend it. I think i will have to convince some RL friends to get into
it at a LAN again.
Verfasst am 16. Dezember 2015.
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