:seriousboss:Come on, Jill. Greet her properly.
:sleepyjill:Welcome to Valha-... wait..
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Created by - Ivan101
В данном руководстве собраны все смехуёчки и истории персонажей вылитые в диалогах единственное, что я не включил так это как вас посылают за то, что вы сделали какую-либо бурду, ну а в принципе зачем оно вам, а? Собственно, само руководство создано именно
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добрый, позитивный чел + rep разъебал нас на чаки
Kanistra Jan 5 @ 7:53pm 
It's funny to read comments from people who have made up rules in their head for the "correct" way to play DbD and are trying to impose them on other people. Everyone plays the way they want and there is no need to be offended by that
velycia Jan 4 @ 5:26pm 
can i get off my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hook u fat neek
Bigood123 Jan 1 @ 11:31am 
the teammates its my friend and say u have the most toxic perk and tunnel so yeah play with this tyàpe of killer is not very fun sooooo yeah its basic if some people leave
belashik Dec 29, 2023 @ 12:23pm 
+rep DbD good game
_Baad_ Dec 28, 2023 @ 7:33pm 
sunshine actualy i was talking with guy from behavior and maybe not ban but we will come up with something dont worry i have your back ;**