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Posted: Jan 16, 2018 @ 2:52pm

I honestly can't believe that this game has so few reviews and that they're almost all positive?! XD
Ok, I know I'm famous for being a reviewer of stupid little games, but I hold two academical degrees and I've worked as a metal reviewer for many years.. I also review good RPGs and long titles ç_ç
This thing makes literally no sense.
It's sort of an indie arcade game with a childish musical theme that repeats itself basically every five seconds.
The game doesn't pause in tray and the achievements keep on unlocking at random always in tray but apart from this, on to the game, I wanna review games for what they leaving out achievements and trading cards.
This game starts with an Italian localization for my Italian Steam client, and has a localization for many other languages such as Turkish, Greek, Portuguese and so on.
I keep on believing that these can't be at all machine translations. Every line has an enormous mistake and it can't depend on Google, seriously. I think that there is someone behind all this who loves to harm us poor players who maybe have more than 30 years and have passed many of them studying history, literature and so on. And grammar. Not foreign languages, no, I can't speak English, but if I wrote in my native dialect probably 3 players in the whole Steam universe will comprehend something.
Not that the game needs text at all, but there's lots of text in the game hub page.

Let us translate and view the points:
- Very simple controls. Translation, ok. Matches the game. The menu features only sound and music off and on, restart and menu (which is the same, since there's only one level). Controls are simple: A moves you left, D moves you right. You're a purple monster which basically moves in an EXTREMELY fast way left or right. From the sky you'll receive colorful bubbles - they go to increase your scoreboard, which is useless since there are no levels and such; time bubbles - you start with 20 seconds, and if you manage to stay alive you can increase them; bomb bubbles - instant kill.
- Musica allegra. Sorta strange. If you're into classical music probably you've heard "allegro" before. I never heard that term applied to music before (it's a musical term that regards the speed of the execution, and it means "happy" referring to a person). And no, the music is annoying and repetitive, turn it off after some minutes, trust me.
- Gradualmente aumentando la complessità. In English, this sounds like "increasing gradually the complexity". No. 'Cos due to the extreme speed of the game, you will most likely die after 3 or 4 seconds and on your fifth try you'll be bored that much and won't ever take this game up again. It's already extremely hard in the beginning, since you get lots of bomb bubbles from the sky and you've few seconds, you can try and avoid the bombs but they're an instant kill always, you can't increase your life points. One bomb, instant kill. Don't get me wrong: it isn't -that- hard, since you're extremely fast you can keep on avoiding bombs, every bubble will increase its speed and such but for which reason? The background, the level, the graphics, the bubbles - everything stays the same for the whole game, so why should you play this same level for 30 minutes? I got bored after two minutes when I tried to get some high score.
- Molti successi. Which is probably a strange translation of "lots of achievements" - "successi", as you can imagine, is the plural of the English "success". Anyways yeah, there are 2500+ achievements with no meaning, they unlock one after the other even if you're not playing, completely unrelated to the game.
- Compatible for Windows, Mac, Linux. Ok. Good for you. Not that it's so hard to port this thing on a Commodore64 too I think..

Then, we go on the real text:
"Non avete idea di che cosa fare nel tuo tempo libero? Il tuo piccolo amico che ti aiuterà a aiutarti con il problema, perché devi santire la sua fame infinita. Divertitevi raccogliendo palle colorate e schivando le bombe infame che si sforzano di attaccare il nostro innocente piccolo amico. I controlli sono molto semplici - basta spostare a sinistra oa destra. Inoltre, si deve guardare fuori per il timer e raccogliere cadere orologi per alimentarlo, altrimenti si perde. Ottenere tutti i risultati e raggiungere i migliori punteggi per sconfiggere i tuoi amici!"
So.. you (plural) don't have a clue on what to do in your (singular) spare time? Your little friend that will help you with the problem (sic), since you will have to "santire" (never-heard word that does not exist, I really don't know how they came up with this thing, probably they meant "sanare" - "to heal", or Idk) his infinite hunger. Controls are very simple - just move left or ("oa", they're two different words, "o a", "or at") right. Moreover, one has to look outside ("fuori"? It's on the right upper half of the screen!) for the timer and collect fall (sic) clocks (sic) to feed him, otherwise he'll be lost (well, otherwise you get a game over or an instant bomb kill actually). To obtain every result and to reach the best scores in order to defeat your friends!
I always love to do these things. They fill me with joy.
But were we reviewing the game? Ok.
You're a monster which can move only left or right at a high speed. Balloons will fall from the sky. Colorful ones are points, bomb ones are instant kill, clock ones are more time.
This is the whole game, only one level, one music track, one graphic, one game mode. 2-3 hours of idling to get all the achievements without even playing.
Definitely not worthy of 1€, game-wise.. isn't it? XD
No, kids will be more bored than you after two minutes if you're an adult. Not even for them.
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ronas Mar 4, 2021 @ 6:24am 
it's a kids game bruh
Mustard Jan 1, 2020 @ 2:22am 
KRP Krew checking in.
unmitigated monk Jan 1, 2020 @ 2:21am 
Kawaii Rainbow Portal #1
WingsOfTaxEvasion May 21, 2019 @ 2:57pm 
nice review about your qualifications pal:HappyPCGuest:
Dylan Feb 2, 2018 @ 2:01am 
>I know I'm famous for being a reviewer of stupid little games

bad news bud