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Verfasst: 2. Nov. 2014 um 7:12
Aktualisiert: 16. Nov. 2014 um 15:36

Great visuals, good gameplay (some bugs, but it is Early Access so... ), just lack people to play, and maybe more interesting quests. Overall for an Early Access Game I give a 7/10. Recommended!
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3 Kommentare
Smkng 16. Nov. 2014 um 15:36 
LOL, ok, edited :)
minijedimaster 16. Nov. 2014 um 14:56 
Yeah, shortening Early Access down to EA probably isn't a good idea since there is a publisher a lot of people don't like out there with the name EA. Is it really that hard to type out the extra nine characters?
CLAR101 7. Nov. 2014 um 10:32 
LOL I was going to comment on saying EA did not create this game :D but then relized you meant "Early Access" :D, however I agree with your comment and recommend :D