Kris, Twenty-Seven, Male   Iowa, United States
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Finzlow 18 SEP a las 9:50 p. m. 
Umm.. Are you joking? Even after two (2) ASSASSINATION attempts on the orange freak's life, you STILL want to vote for him?? Consider our friendship over. I've had enough. And to think, I called you my #WhiteGuysForHarris partner. Typical MAGA tRumper. you realize when people try to assassinate some one, it's BECAUSE the person is evil right? Name one other president who was shot who didn't deserve it. EXACTLY. Now, hope u enjoy ur miserable racist/sexist/transphobe life WITHOUT me. I actually understand the struggles of BIPOC people ,and I know what equity is. I will be on the right side of history.. You..? Not so much...
Finzlow 21 AGO a las 6:35 p. m. 
:streetcone: WARNING: WARNING: :streetcone: Woke Snow Flake Detected! This is a warning! There is a woke snow flake in this comment section. WARNING. There are no woke/wokie/wokers(Wokethey/wokethem) allowed in this chat! This violates rule #17 of the MOTD. If you are violating this rule you will receive a BAN not to exceed 24 hrs (hours). Please refrain from woke language including pronouns, comments against trump, comments in favor of Kamala (border czar) harris (Vice president), etc.
Heimsendir 16 AGO a las 2:51 p. m. 
Trump is a RACIST, a BIGOT, and a MYSOGINEST. And I've heard enough from you about him being taken out of context, WHAT CONTEXT??? When is it OKAY to call a MEXICAN a Bean Burrito??? I saw on Facebook that you said you were voting for trump for 2024, and i have one question: what is wrong with you?? have you never watched new PBS Kids? I knew you were xenophobic and bigoted, but NOT THIS xenophobic and bigoted! Do you just hate black people? have something against women(incel virign???). I cant continue our friendship with your absolute hateful rhetoric. Honestly, how do you live with your self being so racist and bigoted against blacks, who get shot by police for literally nothing??
Quadratic 6 AGO a las 9:40 p. m. 
⚠ Future Profile Rule ⚠: I will no longer allow Anti-MAGA snowflake comments. If this rule is violated I will file a series of reports for harassment and continued rule breaking will result in me contacting steam support. This is a WOKE FREE ZONE.
Finzlow 4 AGO a las 5:04 p. m. 
Trump is a RACIST, a BIGOT, and a MYSOGINEST. And i've heard enough from you about him being taken out of context, WHAT CONTEXT??? When is it OKAY to call a MEXICAN a RAPIST??? I saw on facebook that you said you were voting for trump for 2024, and i have one question: what is rong with you?? have you enver watched new NEWS? I knew you were xenophobic and biggoted, but NOT THIS xenofobic and biggoted! Do you just hate blaeck people? have something against women(incel virign???). I cant continue our friendshop with your absolute hateful retoric. Honestly, how do you lvie with your self being so racist and bigoted against blacks, who get shot by police for literally nothing??
Finzlow 4 AGO a las 5:01 p. m. 
On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly made explicitly racist and otherwise bigoted remarks, from calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, to proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US, to suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

Most recently, Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” — racist terms that tap into the kind of xenophobia that he latched onto during his 2016 presidential campaign; Trump’s own adviser, Kellyanne Conway, previously called “kung flu” a “highly offensive” term. And Trump insinuated that Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s Black, “doesn’t meet the requirements” to run for vice president — a repeat of the birther conspiracy theory that he perpetuated about former President Barack Obama.