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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 86.5 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 16, 2023 @ 9:45pm

The best rogue-like I've played since Binding of Isaac, albeit this is a far different beast. As fun as it is brutally difficult. The environmental interactions are outstanding. The creativity demanded upon the player to tweak the wands with what he has available, and what he's capable of purchasing, can lead to interesting results (usually disastrous when you tinker with something knew, but it's something to be learned for the next go around).

Haven't beaten this game yet, and neither has 90% of those who have played this as of this writing (according to the Steam achievement stats). You will die a lot, but you will keep coming back for more.

The game starts to come alive once you get to the Holy Mountain, learn how you can customize your wands, learn about perks, and then start to figure out exactly how to make them efficient. There is always a way to make something useful with the hand you're dealt, you just need to think of the right combinations. From making a wand acting as a machine gun blasting a dozen bolts per second, or something that makes a concentrated but powerful sniper blast every couple seconds, or something that's inaccurate as hell but is firing projectiles all around you as if you're protected by a cloud of magic balls.
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