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1 person found this review helpful
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0.1 hrs on record
Had a nice time playing this collection of games even if I have to admit that I prefer it on portable platforms.

Emulation is almost accurate as far as I remember but a good overall experience. It is very very nice that Capcom added the chance to buy a single game for just 2 bucks but the full game is a bit overpriced right now. It should cost no more than 30 imho.

Anyhow, if you are in a room full of friends and in need of some lite gaming you can't pass over Captain Commando and Final Fight: it is co-op history that we have here!
Posted November 30, 2021.
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9.9 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
A very nice scrolling beat 'em up (with some RPG influence like Skill Points, Level Up, Inventory, Pet, Weapon Selection and Money) even if it's four years old by now. A bit boring in single player, you'd better go co-op (local or online) with friends. A couple of sessions should be far enough to reach the end in normal mode (about 6 hours on Single Player). Doing this will unlock a couple of characters, even more if you do Arenas: a sorf of Survival mode where you face ten waves of the same enemy kind. Unlocking every character should take more than 50 hours as you need to finish the whole game a lot of times... Finishing the game unlocks Insane Mode too which is... Well, insane as the name suggests. Every enemy is thougher with more HP and strenght... Ouch! Soloing this mode is really hard on some stage, be sure to be about level 30-32 (well, you should end at least 30 if soloing normal mode) before starting it (you can retry every level from normal mode too if willing to grind a bit of XP to level up).

Even if I finished it years ago on Xbox 360, I really enjoyed a second go through the game and it's still funny to jump in some multiplayer online session for a level or two every now and then. Not really worth retail price to me but nice to go when on sale.
Posted December 5, 2012.
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5.4 hrs on record
I consider a very hard task to give an opinion on a game which is not really a game.
There is almost no gameplay at all (some puzzle, that's all) but you should take this title for what it really is: a short visual novel.

A wonderful and touchy story with a nice graphic style and a soundtrack that shines thanks to the voice of Laura Shigihara on the single "voiced" music track of this game. Kudos to the piano main theme, too, but Shigihara's voice really took me... To the moon.

This little masterpiece lasts barely 5 hours and has no replaybility at all but I'm pretty sure you won't forget the story so soon. It's about memories, about a dream, about love, about sacrifice. Someone could tell you it's about "ethic" too. Think of something like "Sunshine Of Spotless Mind".

Game is full of quotes and stereotypes from pop culture (anime, tv, movies...) and the story is veri well written for the most: I found one of the main characters to be a bit "meh". I can understand the needing of a comic relief but I think it was pushed too hard on some line. A bit of some kind of background story would have helped but... Oh, well, the story itself is really enjoyable and could steal a couple of tears from your eyes. Be warned. :)
Posted November 28, 2012.
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