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duck Jan 21, 2022 @ 10:25pm 
Your car warranty is expired, please call +1-663-613-3666 and pay 20 million US dollars directly to this number. Do not get the police involved. This issue will be sorted out immediately after you pay this car fee. Also, your great long-lost nephew is in jail in Iran, and he needs payments to get out. Please deposit the money to the previous number given (this additional fee will cost a smaller amount of 3 million US dollars). Please pay this amount by the deadline of January 29, 2022. No exceptions will be made, and it is recommended that this fee be paid as soon as possible in order to avoid certain negative consequences.
~Thank you~
Balls7 Jan 21, 2022 @ 10:25pm 
Your car warranty is expired, please call +1-663-613-3666 and pay 20 million US dollars directly to this number. Do not get the police involved. This issue will be sorted out immediately after you pay this car fee. Also, your great long-lost nephew is in jail in Iran, and he needs payments to get out. Please deposit the money to the previous number given (this additional fee will cost a smaller amount of 3 million US dollars). Please pay this amount by the deadline of January 29, 2022. No exceptions will be made, and it is recommended that this fee be paid as soon as possible in order to avoid certain negative consequences.
~Thank you~
Bianca_di_Angelo Jan 21, 2022 @ 8:14pm 
Your car warranty is expired, please call +1-663-613-3666 and pay 20 million US dollars directly to this number. Do not get the police involved. This issue will be sorted out immediately after you pay this car fee. Also, your great long-lost nephew is in jail in Iran, and he needs payments to get out. Please deposit the money to the previous number given (this additional fee will cost a smaller amount of 3 million US dollars). Please pay this amount by the deadline of January 29, 2022. No exceptions will be made, and it is recommended that this fee be paid as soon as possible in order to avoid certain negative consequences.
~Thank you~
Balls7 Jan 30, 2021 @ 9:29pm 
+rep Supreme Ungongulis
Zelch May 4, 2020 @ 1:42am 
helo. Am 24 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bad england.
lil Nemy May 4, 2020 @ 1:41am 
Good day. I found you by accident. Did you give my subscription.
I will be watching you regularly now.I want to introduce myself. Am male, 25 years old and live in the free Hanseatic city of Bremen on the Weser in northern Germany. Best regards àtencíon musícà.:j3::bandit::clown_ooo: