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Publicada el 25 OCT 2013 a las 4:34
Actualizada el 25 NOV 2013 a las 13:46

I've been playing Path of Exile since 2011 closed beta and it's remarkable how far the game has come purely from crowd funding. The passion of the userbase is equally matched by it's developers. They've shown throughout the years to constantly improve and tweak the game with regularly scheduled content additions. I still feel I don't know everything there is to know about this game, and that isn't changing any time soon. Path of Exile is an incredibly complex and rewarding game that is definitely worth your time.

Outside of having an absurdly intricate skill tree and a fantastic crafting/currency system, the other large appeal of this game is the end-game. Most ARPGs fail to offer incentive to continue to play your character after you've exhausted the content. Usually this just comes in the form of a easily attainable level cap or grinding the same final zone of the game at length. Instead, in POE you are given item drop instances, as described by the developers:

"Maps can drop as normal, magic, rare or unique with higher rarity Maps yielding more items. Using a Map item opens six portals to the area, which can each only be used once. Like most other items in Path of Exile, Maps have mods that change their risks and rewards. Map mods can affect the size or complexity of the level, monster packs, monster properties or even alter characters while in the level. Players can modify Maps themselves using their currency items. For example, you can use an Orb of Transmutation to turn a normal Map into a magic Map, or use an Orb of Alteration to reroll its mods."

It goes to say that each and every map is a different experience, with room for countless variation in modifiers letting you push the limits of your character. Not all characters are equal. You will find that some characters that excell in early progression have difficulty in the end-game and visa versa. Each character I've made has informed the next which is critical in a game that rewards experience and skill.

And if that wasn't enough, POE offers alternative ARPG experiences in the form of daily race events which are time based leveling with unique modifiers that you won't see in the real game like 'Turbo Mode'. Moreover some of these races have entirely unique content like Descent: Champions or Endless Ledge which offer players the ability to win special art reskins of legendary items for the leagues of their choice.

All in all POE is a truly exciting game and a breath of fresh air for the genre.
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24 comentarios
Hamper4592 26 ABR a las 11:52 
You missed the part where the original creators sold the company to Sixjoy a subsidiary of Tencent. It's over. This game is dead. It's the new Blizzard North. Chris Wilson / Jonathan Rogers / Erik olofsson all sold out. Look for "New Zealand Companies Office" and you will see the share these holders and game creators kicked out 25 Mar 2024 10:37 and 5 seconds later the transfered all the stocks to Sixjoy a mobile gotcha game company. RIP POE. They sold us out.
Chuck Farvre 3 SEP 2023 a las 17:06 
Economy worked well even when they change it up - when they switched to divines.
The best virtual economy you can play IMO.
The jewels and tree all work well and well together. It's a smart game. The art is classical(or whatever) not goofy cartoon. It's fast. It's not chess but as far as twitch action reflex games go it's as deep as it gets.
folm 26 SEP 2022 a las 22:22 
surprised this review is still finding eyes, i wrote it almost 9 years ago.
more surprising is that it is still accurate.
daily race events haven't been a thing for many years however.
𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘 26 SEP 2022 a las 21:37 
Thank you so much for putting the time and effort behind this review. I was discouraged when I clicked on the game page for the first time, only to find that 66% of the reviews were negative in the past 30 days. I enjoy games like D3 so when I saw that POE was similar I was excited. after reading your review I've decided to give POE a shot, thank you again for your contribution and stay Awesome!
BruceNitro 9 OCT 2017 a las 8:55 
I could had sworn closed started earlier than 11
FapNefarious 13 ENE 2017 a las 18:43 
@cycloneinames I've got 1371 hrs in Titan Quest IT since 2011, probably will spend double that on PoE heheh
Allexio 2 OCT 2014 a las 15:43 
@cycloneinames +1
Cyclonite 26 SEP 2014 a las 17:09 
OMG over 1000 hours? You must be a huge fan of this game bro.
Spector3 31 JUL 2014 a las 23:06 
Classes are really just looks. There is a build for the duelist that reaches all the way to the templar and runs superb. There are cookie cutters if you like however there is so many kinds of builds it is truly epic. Plus August 20th is the next major update and includes even more content. This game is a true f2p at its finest.
El Artifice 26 MAR 2014 a las 22:12 
You should be able to pick the character genre for a given class