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5.7 hrs last two weeks / 1,044.9 hrs on record (239.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Sep 30, 2017 @ 5:36pm

Early Access Review
This game is the single most addictive gamesince team fortress 2. I have nlot put so many hours into a game this fast since tf2 and maybe overwatch. Absolute blast. It has iots bugs but to be expected and the patches roll out like clockwork so no abandoned game here. Que times are nearly INSTANT and while launching the game may take a little bit of time for some (my friends have complained about it) i have relatively short boot ups but i have an SSD so to be expected. The game closes instantly not really a selling point but something that struck me as a nice detail. I have had some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ network lag moments where i get hit after being behind cover. But considering I have easilly played over 300 games it has only happend 4 times max. You get HILLARIOUS moments with friends and enemies alike (voice chat is usually cancer at the start but turn it on once you drop in its worth it). Easy mute buttons CTRL+M mutes the game CTRL+T mutes players and same buttons to undo the mute. I will say there is definatly a learning curve for the controlls I was learning a new controlwhat felt like daily for a month i swear haha. Once you learn the controlls and the weapon attatchments and the amo the game becomes natural and sinmce yyou can instantly get into a game afte losing one you can rage for a minute after losing a close one then you are distracted ebcause you are back in. HAVE FRIENDS TO PLAY IT WITH this is a game best played in a team. I prefer duos but squads are so much fun as well. The feeling you get when you win is unsurpassed by any game. No other game makes you feel as accomplished when you win a game. Especially when you have a ton of kills and just outplayerd the hell out of the enemy. 150% recomended.
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