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Neue Rezensionen von fallout

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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
1.6 Std. insgesamt (0.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
On my first play, after making an absolute abomination with the broken character creator and naming him "KILL ME", struggling to manage a maximum of 15fps, I managed to stumble across a raptor, or at least the one or two frames of polygons that i saw of it appeared to be some sort of crude representation of a one anyway. I proceeded to panic, and held down LMB. 15 seconds later I see the vaguely raptor-shaped blob on the floor, and blood on my fist-shaped blobs at the bottom of my screen. 10 seconds later after struggling to aim my view at the pile of oddly coloured polygons on the floor, an absolute vomit of interface popped up on my screen, showing that yes, "KILL ME" had in fact punched this terribly scripted level 8 raptor to death with his bare fist-blobs.

Looks nothing like the trailer, totally misrepresented. Interface is abysmal, looks like someone puked a load of text and low resolution pictures all over the screen. Looks like an N64 game on lowest graphics and STILL runs terribly. If you don't have a decent computer, seriously don't bother. It is not worth your time.

Absolutely disappointing. If you find yourself lapsing judgement enough to buy it, it's a great practice for the new Steam refund policy.
Verfasst am 5. Juli 2015. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 5. Juli 2015.
War diese Rezension hilfreich? Ja Nein Lustig Preis verleihen
Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
25.2 Std. insgesamt (16.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
It's just not Total Annihilation.
Verfasst am 17. Juni 2015.
War diese Rezension hilfreich? Ja Nein Lustig Preis verleihen
Ergebnisse 1–2 von 2