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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 88.7 hrs on record (35.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 29, 2015 @ 6:34am

I just completed Shadowrun: Hong Kong, and it has left the sort of "I can't believe it's over" void I often experience upon finishing an epic novel.

SR:HK delivered everything I have come to expect from Harebrained Studios's Shadowrun offerings: great writing, complex characters, innovative quests, and solid gameplay.

On top of that, they managed to exceed my already-high expectations in two areas:
  • Atmosphere: HBS did a fantastic job of using plotlines, character detail, and a phenomenal musical score to immerse the player in Hong Kong and make it really come alive around her.
  • Important decisions: Tough choices have always been an integral part of Shadowrun, and SR:HK really raised the bar in this area. On top of the standard show-mercy-or-accept-more-pay style options whose scope is generally limited to a single quest, the player is now forced to make more decisions that not only have moral implications, but whose consequences affect the entire course of the story.

I spent about 30 hours playing the main campaign as well as most of the optional side content.

I played through SR:HK on Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10, no issues encountered.
Additionally, I played the last ⅓ or so on a big screen using a Steam controller - the "High Resolution Display" option in the game settings made this a flawless experience.

Conclusion: if you like RPGs, if you like great story, if you like the idea of a neon-filled future where it never stops raining - play Shadowrun: Hong Kong
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