
Последние обзоры Dragon_Chem

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27.7 ч. всего (0.4 ч. в момент написания)
I have been playing overwatch since the closed beta back in 2016, and it was my main game for a good while.
With basically every newly released hero, the state of the game deteriorated, causing me to drop the game back in 2018 during the height of the GOATs meta.
The announcement of a PvE game with the overwatch characters felt like a breath of fresh air, causing me to pick the game back up in late 2019.
Despite the annoyances I had with the game, I found that there was still a core of fun, and that every once in a while I had a truly fun match.
I once again dropped the game after a while due to the sheer staleness of the game, due to the lack of content updates.
With the announcement of overwatch 2 PvP, me and my friends once again got interested in the game, and picked it up again.
To my (and my friends's) surprise, the game had become fun again! Not as fun as back during the early days, but the annoyances I had seemed to be mostly patched out!
With a couple of months of playing overwatch 1 again, we got into the closed beta for overwatch 2, and the change from 6v6 to 5v5 ended up being actually positive in our experience.
It freed up the game to be of a much higher pace, and much less shield focussed, although there were some balancing issues with the newest hero at the time, sojourn.
For every other hero that I had annoyances with, they were either reworked to be less annoying, or had been nerfed into obscurity.
Fast forward a couple of months and it's time for the actual release of overwatch 2, and the servers are just down for most of the first week, great start.
When I finally do get the chance to play, I realize that not only have they not adressed the issues I had with sojourn, but the time between the beta and actual release has made people realize just how abusable the character (and some of the reworked tanks) really are, and they are taking full advantage of it.
"Not a problem, it'll be patched out in a few weeks", I naively thought.
But they had once again falled into the same patterns that had initially caused me to dislike overwatch 1, releasing heroes with next to no regard as to how they would affect the gamestate as a whole and how annoying it might be to play with / against.
Both kiriko and lifeweaver fall into characters I have annoyances with, in different areas.
Kiriko is extremely annoying to fight due to her insane movement option, on demand invulnerability, slender hitbox and insane damage output. Whereas Lifeweaver straight up has a tool that can grief teammates harder than an enemy roadhog ever could.
Let alone the fact that they locked these new heroes behind a battlepass system rather than the old loot box system, which was already heavily criticized.
The final nail in the coffin was of course the cancellation of the PvE mode, that was an actual backstabbing of the community.
The entire point of the 2 in overwatch 2 was the fact that it would have this great, long and highly customizable PvE campaign mode, that would be extremely replayable and great for just messing around with friends.
Cancelling that completely invalidates the entire point of overwatch 2's existance, and I can't help but wonder what the ♥♥♥♥ blizzard is thinking.
They have shot themselves in the foot, abandoning their own community for 3 full years only to release half baked content in an objectively worse format in a shameless attempt to milk the wallets of their playerbase even further than they already had.
I cannot with a good conscience reccomend overwatch 2. I truly wish there was a way to still play overwatch 1, because if I had the choice, that is what I would be playing.
Опубликовано 11 августа 2023 г..
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7.6 ч. всего (6.7 ч. в момент написания)
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even through the admittedly worse UI, customization issues and lack of a party system, the magic of the town of salem formula still shines though
Опубликовано 27 мая 2023 г..
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67.3 ч. всего (56.8 ч. в момент написания)
wizard game fun :)
Опубликовано 27 февраля 2023 г..
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23.0 ч. всего (19.3 ч. в момент написания)
This game is absolutely amazing.
Great humour, great characters, overall great story.
Another smash hit, hound-man
Опубликовано 17 февраля 2022 г..
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24.4 ч. всего (7.8 ч. в момент написания)
the most fun I've had with platform fighters since smash 4
Опубликовано 7 октября 2021 г..
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16.0 ч. всего
I've tried about 5 times to give this game a proper chance, all 5 times I couldn't get over the 4 hours mark.
Опубликовано 3 октября 2021 г..
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0.9 ч. всего
I didn't believe the negative reviews, I was wrong
Опубликовано 3 сентября 2021 г..
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6.9 ч. всего
this game is fun at the start but as it keeps going it just gets super ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boring, the last 2 worms standing 90% of the time will be completely across the map from each other, with little to no mobility options left, just sitting there trying to rocket each other to death. I honest to god don't reccomend
Опубликовано 18 марта 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
89.1 ч. всего (8.1 ч. в момент написания)
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I mean it when I say this, this game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ masterpiece.
I initially got this game during the first episode, because I thought the humour was very funny.
However, the absolute perfection of the story and acting of episode 2 cannot be overstated, I absolutely mean it when I say that this game is already a masterpiece and I cannot wait for the last part.
Опубликовано 5 марта 2021 г.. Отредактировано 5 марта 2021 г..
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1.1 ч. всего
This game has actually ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ruined my friendship with one of my friends.
4/10 would buy again.
Опубликовано 17 февраля 2021 г..
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