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Senaste recensioner av Luuna

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29.6 timmar totalt (5.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Really fun management sim, enjoying it a lot so far.
Upplagd 28 juni 2019.
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9.1 timmar totalt (5.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Adam Wolfe is a hybrid between Hidden Object and Adventure genres. You play as a paranormal investigator that has to solve 4 strange cases.

In this game you control the eponymous Adam Wolfe, a private detective that solves other people's problems, whilst trying to look for his missing sister. The core gameplay is solving puzzles and looking for useful items that are hidden within the game world. Most puzzles are very simple, and can be solved within a minute, yet there are a few ones that can take longer to figure out. I was very surprised by the amount of interaction within the game - you are in control of almost everything. For example: using the fire extinguisher doesn't just consist of "combining" it with flames, you also need to manually spray it to extinguish the ongoing flames one by one. It's a very welcome change from all the "stiff" HOGs that I've played before.

You have a lot of useful tools that help you with solving cases: a strange watch that lets you look back in time, the "Intense Focus" ability that shows you things that haven't been there before, your phone that you use for taking notes, keeping track of objectives, and fast-travelling from one location to another, and last but not least, your trusty revolver that lets you, well... kill stuff!

The whole game is divided into 4 episodes with each episode being a different case. They may seem like separate stories at first, but they are all connected to your sister's disappearance. Each chapter of the game is chock-full of mystery and unforgettable moments, at times it made me feel like I was playing some kind of interactive movie rather than an adventure game!

I have to say, I really love the artwork! Every location is masterfully crafted and full of small details, which makes them really nice to look at even for longer periods of time. Some scenes are creepy and eerie, while others look magical and out-of-this-world. I can't overlook characters and items, because they also look beautiful. It feels like you can learn a lot about characters by looking at their outfit, expression, even by the way they stand! That's a big plus for me because it makes you able to know the characters a little bit more if you are being observant.

The ambient music is really good: it brings that vibe of suspense and mystery, and makes some of the locations even creepier that they were before. I can say that you're missing a lot of the atmosphere if you mute the music or play without sound. Moving on to voice acting, most characters have great voices that fit their persona, especially the protagonist. Some minor characters have slightly worse voices, but it's not much of a problem since most of them speak maybe 4 or 5 sentences throughout the whole game.

An amazing game with simple but engaging gameplay, interesting story, and beautiful visuals. I have never before played such an addicting adventure game! I'm not a big fan of the genre, yet this game somehow kept me entertained to the end. I recommend this game to every gamer that likes to play something more casual from time to time, no matter if you like HOGs or not!
Upplagd 24 december 2016.
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37.4 timmar totalt (37.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The best survival game out there. Brutal, unforgiving and unfair, just like real life!
If you want to make it even more difficult, try spicing it up with mods! I recommend Misery or I Work Alone.
Upplagd 23 november 2016. Senast ändrad 22 november 2017.
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20 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
7.1 timmar totalt (6.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Rogue Port - Red Nightmare is an adventure RPG game heavily inspired by various
16-bit titles (such as Earthbound and Pokémon).

The game plays similar to other games made in RPG Maker: You have your main quest (which is rescuing your friends), various sidequests scattered around the world, monsters roaming everywhere you go, standard stuff. However, there are a lot of little things that make this game different from your normal RPG Maker game, like stamina bar (more stamina means more sprinting time), day and night system with dynamic music, calendar system, pretty dynamic lighting effect, character customization (every piece of apparel that you equip changes your sprite), and so on.

There are quite a lot of different places to visit, like towns, caves, and forests. A lot of those locations don't have anything to do with the main quest, but It's wise to explore them anyway, as they commonly contain hidden treasure chests and key items for sidequests.

They are really, really good (for a game made in RPG Maker, duh!). You won't see any sprites ripped directly from RTP packages, like in other RPGM games here on Steam. As previously said, game has a nice dynamic lighting effect, meaning that the light changes depending on location and time. Character and enemies sprites are all nicely made (bonus points for animating them).

RPG Maker standard: Arrow keys to move, Shift for sprint, Esc for opening up the menu, Space for everything else. Those are standard controls in those kinds of games, because they are comfortable to use. If you don't like them for some reason, there's a remapping menu available under the F1 key.

Sound effects are fitting in most situations, so is music. I liked how it changes depending on time of the day, exploring the forest in the middle of the night is much more chilling because of that. But, no matter how great the music is, it still wouldn't hurt to implement the mute option within the game.

One of the best RPG Maker games I've played. Developer put a lot of work in this small indie title, didn't take any shortcuts by using default sprites and music, and for that sole reason this game is already better than 75% of other RPGM titles, at least in my book.

Do I recommend buying it? It depends. If you like those kind of games (simple turn-based RPG's with retro graphics), then wait for the sale, because as of now, almost 9€ is a little too much for that kind of game. If you played a couple of RPG Maker or 16-bit RPG games before and didn't enjoy them much, then don't buy Rogue Port, because you probably won't enjoy it too. All in all, I personally liked the game and I think that playing it is a good break from mainstream RPG's.
Upplagd 18 maj 2016. Senast ändrad 26 juli 2016.
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1.0 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Rogue Harvest is a rogue-like, open world survival game. You're trying to hunt for food and resources, while every other creature hunts for you.

You control a nameless character that just experienced a planecrash. You wake up in a small house with a set of basic tools (pickaxe, hammer, axe) outside. From now on your only objective is to survive. You have to keep an eye on your energy and life meters, energy depletes on its own, so you have to stuff yourself with food whenever you can, cause when it reaches zero, you starve to death. Life gets depleted when you get hit by an enemy, you can get some life back by eating herbs or keeping a high energy level.
The land is inhabitated by a lot of unfriendly and vicious creatures, like fire flowers (no, you can't collect them, it's not SMB), walking mushrooms, and bunnies. Even worse enemies spawn at night, scary skeletons, etcetera. Make sure to kill lots of them, you can loot many important items out of them.
You have three basic tools: Axe for chopping wood, Hammer for destroying walls, Pickaxe for almost everything else. You can also craft weapons, like a sword, boomerang or a bow. Make sure to craft one of them, a woodaxe is not a perfect weapon for killing enemies.
Building a sturdy shelter is your main defense against the creatures of the night. Make sure to add extra walls constantly: enemies can and will destroy them while trying to get to you.

While I like the 16bit-like style of the game, I can't stand how poorly enlarged the sprites and menus are. I keep touching my glasses to see if they are still on my nose, cause the graphics are so blurry. What I liked though, was that your character's footsteps and blood of fallen enemies don't disappear for a long while: you can use this to your advantage by following your footsteps back to your home, just make sure not to stray too far, there is no map and it sucks to get lost in the middle of night.

All sound effects are pretty normal, nothing to say about them. Music is meh, I muted it after 15 minutes because it was putting me to sleep. Some tracks vary in recording quality, especially the new game song sounds like something ported out of an early PS1 game.

Walking sideways sucks. I've died 3 times because of that. That's the biggest issue, the rest of the controls are alright. You have a menu where you can craft/equip items and also mute music/sfx. LMB performs action on item that you are currently holding, so using a carrot makes you eat it, using a sword makes you swing it.

An interesting game. What it lacks in sound and graphics, it makes up with its ominous atmosphere and open world. Game was putting me on edge constantly, because I could die at every given moment. Sudden flashbacks to a plane crash were unnerving me even more. Nights are REALLY dark and enemies can kill you in mere seconds. Medicine gives very little of your health back, and you have to constantly hunt for food. This game doesn't funk around. I recommend it to every one that likes a challenge and old-school games that throw you right in the world without explaining much. If you like autosaves, difficulty selection and regenerating health: stay away.
Upplagd 22 mars 2016. Senast ändrad 22 mars 2016.
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0.8 timmar totalt
Edit:Developer is working hard at making updates for the game, and I can already see that there are way less bugs and glitches, there is also a new game mode called "Tower of Babel"

Bit Dungeon+ is a roguelike game where you explore an endless dungeon. Fighting bosses and getting the best loot is your top priority. Oh, and also not dying, that's the most important part.

You control your noble knight that tries to save his girlfriend or something like that. Excuses, excuses. You and I know that he just wants to kill all the innocent creatures that live peacefully in the dungeon, then pull all the gold coins and emerald rings out of their bodies, because profit. The whole dungeon idea is kinda inspired by The Binding of Isaac and the likes: You have a bunch of rooms that are connected to each other. By using the doorways you can go into another room. Enemies spawn, you get locked up, you kill them all, you go to the next room.
There is also a shop where you can buy various potions and chests with random loot. When you are done with your dungeon floor, you go to a conviently marked boss room, you fight a boss, you die, you get angry, you try again, you succeed, and you do it over and over again. The whole idea is good, but it's not really polished. When I was playing the game, I was working on an autopilot: Kill those guys, get this loot, die at the boss, repeat.

In one word: Unresponsive. Well, at least while playing with a DS3 controller. I had much trouble hitting my enemies, because my character would often face the wrong direction. When you attack, you also stick to the direction you are attacking at for a moment, so you have to get your finger off the trigger, and try to flip your character to face the enemy.
You have a shield that you can use to block, but it's so tedious to use that most of the times I let my enemies hit me, rather than playing peek-a-boo for 20 seconds with them. You can also stomp at the ground, it's supposed to stun the enemies for a brief moment, but sometimes they will still move and shoot at you, I don't know if it's a random element, a bug, or maybe something else.

They are alright. Enemies are not really creative (skeletons, wizards, Your Friendly Dungeon Inhabitants) but their pixel sprites are nicely done. I also really liked how different parts of equipment change your appearance, so you can transform yourself from a boring knight in shining armor, to a lava demon, or a Grim Reaper (complete with a scythe!)

Sound effects are nice, although they get pretty boring after a while. You probably gonna ignore them after some time, because they are not really that interesting. But I liked the music! Enjoyable chiptune, fitting to a dungeon. What I didn't like is that you can't mute it, because no matter how great it is, it would still be nice to listen to some sweet silence without muting my volume in the Windows control panel.

I'm very sorry, but I can't recommend the game. It has some fun little gimmicks, like stomping on pools of blood lets you leave bloody footprints for a while, and coming back to a cleared room spawns enemies that feast on the poor creatures you have killed just a few moments ago.But it's all just not enough to let me recommend this game.
It's fun for a short while, and when you ignore all the control issues and repetition, you could play it for a while longer, but still not longer than a few hours. The game isn't packed with content for the time being, but I can understand that it's in early access, so I guess we'll see if the game evolves into a fun little roguelike, or will it still be like today: An unremarkable game with unresponsive controls and not enough content to keep you amused.
Upplagd 3 mars 2016. Senast ändrad 14 april 2016.
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2.3 timmar totalt
Cinderella Escape is a block puzzle game with 3D graphics. Don't let the name fool you: You wouldn't want to gift this game to your 7 year old cousin.

You control Cinderella who tries to escape a dungeon she'd been thrown to. Along the way you can save your two mean sisters and a stepmother, or you can leave them to rot and possibly die of starvation. They were mean to you, okay? They deserve it. Most stages have multiple ways to get to the goal.
You can push blocks, jump over them or even destroy them with your Falcon Kick, though you have limited jumps and kicks per level.You can expand you limit by earning experience (that you earn by completing levels) and leveling up.

Simple and neat. Not much to say about them since you're pushing the same blocks in the same dungeon over and over again, but I found them nice to look at, for what they are.

Again, I don't have much to say. The only sounds you will hear are the same music that plays in all stages, moanings of Cinderella when she loses health or kicks blocks, and her footsteps. Music sounds kind of sinister and is very fitting to a dungeon. Even though it plays on loop, my fluffy ears are still in one piece. Cinderella's grunts of pain are your typical japanese "Ouch! I broke my fingernail" grunts, and her footsteps sound like... well, normal footsteps.
I'm kinda dragging the subject here, let's move on...

You use WASD to control Cinderella, Space to jump, LMB to kick, RMB to pan the camera, Mouse Wheel to zoom in/out. It works. You can zoom out to plan your moves, and zoom in to pass the platforming moments.

If you're a big fan of puzzle games and you're looking for a challenge, don't buy this game. If you're looking for a way to stress out after a long day, then give it a shot. I finished the whole game in 2.3 hrs so don't expect a 100 hours long epic adventure though.
Upplagd 23 november 2015. Senast ändrad 24 november 2015.
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2.2 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Galagan's Island: Reprymian Rising is a classic arcade shmup shooter in a modern shell.
No continues, no lives, no checkpoints. You die, you go back to the beginning.

25 Levels of chaotic shooting and trying not to die. And it's fun!
You have powerups like shield and triple fire that make it easier to blast aliens.
Everything is very fluid and well-optimised which makes the game very enjoyable.
Game features a local co-op so you can play with a friend, or a cat, or you can be two players at once if you don't have any friends (don't worry, I will always be your friend)

Cool retro style with modern effects. Lots of explosions and other similiar effects commonly seen in today's games. Enemies are pretty generic for a bullet-hell game, various blobs and space octopuses, but that's okay.

Most sound effects don't stand out that much so there's not much to say about them. But the music is awesome! An interesting blend of many genres like electronica, jazz and even hip-hop. If you're planning on buying the game,I encourage you to also buy a soundtrack, If you enjoy at least 2 of these genres.

Kinda weird. You must hold hover if you don't want to be at the very bottom of the screen.
When you hold hover your ship also steers slower, so it's really hard to dodge a barrage of projectiles when you're in the middle of the screen. The flip ship works only when you have the double ship powerup. If you don't have it on levels when enemies spawn behind your back, then you must wait till they break the formation and follow you, which can take a while.

Overall, nothing ground-breaking, but simply an enjoyable indie game that features an awesome soundtrack and doesn't cost a fortune. Give it a try, it can surprise you.
Upplagd 22 november 2015. Senast ändrad 23 november 2015.
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8.3 timmar totalt (6.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
"Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!" is a time management game. You play as a potato that inherited a weapon shop from his grandfather. With the help of Agent 46, that owns the bigger part of the shop (99.9% to be exact) you produce weapons, sell them, repeat. Alright, so it's not that easy, you have to manage your resources, upgrade your shop, send your workers on vacations, explore the land, level up your customers (yeah) and do a thousand other things.

I said earlier that Agent 46 will help you, right? I lied. He just shows up in your door from time to time and asks you to get him money, or, should I say $purds, because that's the currency in the game.

As for the forging of weapons, you get a lot of categories that you can choose from (sword, dagger, axe, pistol, wand, just to name a few). Every weapon has 4 stats (attack, speed, accuracy, magic) that grow faster or slower, depends on the weapon type. Your customers are wandering heroes, that level up with every weapon they buy from you. They all have different weapon and stat preferences, so one hero may like accurate and magical bows, and other may like speedy and high-damage swords. The more the weapon you forged suits them, the more they will pay for it.

The game is packed with humorous refences to popculture. One of your first smiths is named Bulk Bogan, there is a hero named Claude that wants a really big sword, you can sing Baby, by JB to one of your smiths when they are feeling down, you can forge a bow named "RavenClaw", et cetera, et cetera.

There is a lot more to this game that I haven't listed, so if you think that you'll enjoy the game, get it now and experience the ehm.. full experience.

Upplagd 25 augusti 2015.
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9.3 timmar totalt (4.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
In Cthulhu Saves the World, you play as Cthulhu, (big surprise!) who got his powers taken from him. To get his powers back, he must become a true hero. So, you must go around and generally be a good guy, and maybe, one day, you'll get your powers back so you can finally destroy this puny world.

As you can probably tell by now, the game is really silly, but in a good way. It's pretty straightforward, too.

It's a casual RPG, without crafting, bactracking to visited cities/cleared dungeons, even without grinding (at least on normal and easier difficulties).

Basically you just clear dungeons, go to the next city, buy some gear, listen to other people's problems, and help them, by clearing dungeons. You also have a few optional dungeons, but It's probably wise to play them anyway as they commonly contain some good loot that you can't find anywhere else.

Battle system is alright for the most part, you have a certain number of random battles in most places. When that number reaches zero, enemies stop attacking you so you can finally explore the dungeon in peace. (You can also use the "Fight" option from the menu if you'd like to level up some more).

As for the fighting,you have some status effects that you can cast on your enemies (silence,blind,poison,even insanity that makes them more vulnerable to damage and also changes their sprite. Neat!) You regenerate all your health at the end of the battle, so no need to bring hundreds of potions/hamburgers/stimpacks on your journey. What you don't regenerate at the end of the battle, is your mana points, so don't waste them all on some magikarps that attacked you, because you can immediately get bonked by a pack of gyaradoses not long after, you know what I'm sayin'? (you regenerate MP in towns and in special places in dungeons, so don't worry)

Still not convinced that you should buy this game? Well, how about I tell you, that you can play as a walking giant sword? Or as a demon dragon? OR as a green cat-like alien? If that didn't convince you,then I don't know what will.

Seriously though, buy this game. It's cheap, it's commonly on sale with an other similiar RPG in pack, and it has trading cards, so you can make a badge out of them, and possibly get an emoticon of a happy Cthulhu. How cool is that?

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn...
Upplagd 14 augusti 2015. Senast ändrad 14 augusti 2015.
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