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Personlige prestasjoner

The Dark Soul

All achievements completed. Congratulations!

Knight's Honor

Acquire all rare weapons.

Wisdom of a Sage

Acquire all sorceries.

Bond of a Pyromancer

Acquire all pyromancies.

Prayer of a Maiden

Acquire all miracles.

Covenant: Way of White

Discover Way of White covenant.

Strongest Weapon

Acquire best weapon through standard reinforcement.

Crystal Weapon

Acquire best weapon through crystal reinforcement.

Lightning Weapon

Acquire best weapon through lightning reinforcement.

Raw Weapon

Acquire best weapon through raw reinforcement.

Magic Weapon

Acquire best weapon through magic reinforcement.

Enchanted Weapon

Acquire best weapon through enchanted reinforcement.

Divine Weapon

Acquire best weapon through divine reinforcement.

Fire Weapon

Acquire best weapon through fire reinforcement.

Chaos Weapon

Acquire best weapon through chaos reinforcement.


Light bonfire flame.

Estus Flask

Acquire Estus Flask.

Reach Lordran

Arrive in Lordran.

Ring the Bell (Undead Church)

Ring Bell of Awakening at Undead Church.

Ring the Bell (Quelaag's Domain)

Ring Bell of Awakening in Quelaag's domain.

Rite of Kindling

Acquire the Rite of Kindling.

Art of Abysswalking

Acquire the Art of Abysswalking.

Reach Anor Londo

Arrive in Anor Londo.


Acquire the Lordvessel.

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