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Recent reviews by DannyDelicious

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14 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
So, I got this game as a gift. I only knew it was based on DnD has some kind of co-op brawling gameplay.
I was genuinely excited, as I love the DnD setting.

If you're looking for a DnD game, look elsewhere. Also look elsewhere if you want to play any kind of dungeon crawler.
Seriously, I'm not the guy to jump on any kind of bandwagon, I really want this game to become good, eventually.
You probably already read the other reviews, and to be honest, I can't anything new to the list of complaints. But I want to try to give you more of a "feel" for the shortcomings of this game.

The most glaring issue: The game feels clunky/sluggish. I played as the archer class, and the only thing that really felt satisfying to do was her primary arrow shot, which isn't bound to M1, as you'd think - you have to hold CTRL, which puts you into an aiming mode. In this mode you're just plain slow. On top of that, the arrows don't do a whole lot of damage. Sure, you have a charged shot, but the charged shot takes a pretty long time to prime and is bugged. Sometimes when I shoot a charged shot and try to charge the next one I get locked into the charge animation and have to cancel the charge. You're able to do a fair bit of melee fighting, especially after you unlock some fighting skills (by the way, for all arrow-related combat techniques, you have to reach Lvl. 7 first, which is kinda dumb when playing an archer). The main problem with the melee fighting: It feels so slow. The animations have an awfully long windup and cooldown animation. Most of the archers meele attacks consume a HUGE amount of stamina, and you're also loosing max stamina when depleting your current pool, which just ends in you waiting after performing a single combo. Enemies react with generic and equally slow recoil animations, making hits feel weak and disconnected. Also, you can't really "aim" your animations, so your character just pushes through the enemies, making the last hits of your combo miss.

Speaking of enemies: In combat, enemies tend to warp after they finished their animations. It looks like they're lagging, which only adds to the sluggish and weird feel to the combat. Also, the animations sometimes don't really match up with the actions. In some cames, the enemy model was facing me and charging up a projectile attack, but the projectile flew backwards to the other player in my party. It's not really detrimental to the gameplay itself, it just looks bad and makes the game feel so unfinished and unpolished. Players and enemies snap into long winded animations all the time.

All of this just makes the core loop of the game just not fun to play. Sure, other games in this genre are grindy and you have to put in a fair amount of time to unlock cool abilities, but those game have an engaging core loop. Dark Alliance feels like waddling trough mud.
Posted June 22, 2021. Last edited June 22, 2021.
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36.3 hrs on record
Needs more VHs.
Posted July 1, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
7.4 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Posted July 3, 2011.
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