Samurai execution?
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Doctor-G Dec 1, 2013 @ 8:17am 
Highly recommended, unless you don't have time to play, because it makes you want to play :)

I like games where you can have a quick session, or a series of quick sessions composed into a long session---like the classic Every Extend. Spelunky has that feature, although like Nethack, the better you get at it, the longer it can take. Still, you sometimes fall prey to Yet Another Stupid Death. Still, the deaths can be fun.

The other day, I was playing, and all the boys were asleep, and I was literally pixels away from my destination when I died. I sprang out of my seat and shouted. Games don't often do that to me, but this one did. That's a good thing in my opinion.

I just bought Saints Row IV and am downloading it now, looking forward to trying that some time this week.
benthedean Nov 30, 2013 @ 2:47pm 
How is that Spelunky game? I'm a fan of platform games but have had a couple that were "Nintendo hard" and since I never had the joy of having to get really skilled at needlessly difficult games (having not owned an NES or SNES), I never developed the skills to deal with games that try to recaputure that brutal spirit.

Anyway, the main things I want to know are: Is it super difficult? Is it as good as the trailer makes it seem? Is the replayability all it's cracked up to be or do the levels get repetitive?
gestwicki Dec 20, 2010 @ 6:55pm 
Well that....aren't cool. HaHaHa! For I am the master of trash talking. Don't mess with me again Doctor-G. P.S. I received an email that I received a gift from you, but I can't seem to access it on Steam. Any ideas?
gestwicki Dec 16, 2010 @ 10:47am 
Hello Paulio. I assume you have seen the crazy treasure hunt thing here on steam. I hope this is all I have to do to unlock the "post on a friend's page" or whatever it's called. Also, one of them is get ten friends. I have one. You. If you have ten friends and can get them to add me just so I can get that one that would be lovely. One is also buy a gift for someone. So if you need any of the cheapy games, I'd buy one for you. I might actually get to ten, who knows. Thanks.